Monday, September 30, 2019
Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelley†Essay
Robert Walton writes numerous letters to his sister, who is presently in England about his endeavors at the North Pole. He is currently stuck as the water has since been overridden by ice, making it impossible for him and his crew to continue his dangerous mission. Although his progress was positive at the beginning, he is now unable to move forward because of the ice. It is during this period that the captain meets with Victor, who has been weakened by the ice and is almost dead of cold. Walton the nurses Victor back to health, and hears the tale about the monster that victor has created. Victor, who is a brilliant man, has discovered the secret of life itself and had consequently created his own monster, but as a result of his actions, he fears that the monster will ruin the lives of the people he cares about as well as his. Character Development, Victor, his Father and the Monster       At the beginning, Victor is an innocent loving boy who is full of life and surrounded by loved ones. As a young boy, he lives with his father, plays with his brother and friend and also loves his future wife Elizabeth. The turn of events occurs when victor’s brilliance in chemistry and his curiosity about life forces him to reanimate a dead body. Throughout the novel, victor changes step by step and the grief he encounters due to the loss of loved ones fuel his heart with hate and remorse. From a young scientist filled with prospects of great future to a guilt-ridden man filled with anger and revenge. As a young boy, victor spent his youth in Geneva. His life as a young person was fulfilling with the loving accompany of his loving sister Elizabeth and his best friend Henry. Upon being of age, Victor enrolls at the University of Ingolstadt, where he studies chemistry and natural philosophy. Being a curios and brilliant person, he is overwhelmed by the unknown knowledge of life and, therefore, revolts his life to finding the true origin of life. Victor then spends his whole time in research with the hope to discover the secret of life. After many years of research, he is able to discover the basics of life. According to (Janowitz and William 938), Victor’s ambition to create life blinds the moral obligations that he should have felt about creating a monster without human emotion and characteristics. Notable, Victor does not evaluate the consequences that might arise as a result of his action. He just spends time creating a creature with the knowledge that he has gained. He uses dead parts of a human body to put together the creature and reanimates him later. The creature, however, does not look as appealing as he expected. The sight of him fills Victor with horror and disgust. Victor is disappointed with his work and becomes contemptuous of the creature. With the creature trying to understand the meaning of the behavior being exhibited by his creator, victor becomes more afraid and runs from him scared and remorseful. According to Vargo (417) the use of dead parts to create a living thing sheds message that the expected creation would not behavior like a normal person. Victor should have recognized that his endeavor would only lead to more death. After creation of the monster, he feels remorseful and decides to return home. Woolley (46) observes that his wish to return home would maybe reconnect him after losing touch with humanity. So, he decides that since the monster has disappeared, he should also return to his family to nurse his remorse and poor health back to normal. However, victor receives an unexpected letter from his father explaining that his brother has been murdered. Victor now rushes home, remorseful as ever to support his family at this moment of grief. As he is about to arrive, he sees the monster he created looming the woods where is brother was killed. With this knowledge, Victor believes that the monster must have killed him. To make matters worse, Victor arrives to find that his adopted sister, a gentle and kind person, is being accused of the crime that his monster dis. She is consequently executed although Victor knows the real murderer. Victor now grows more remorseful and guilty for his actions becaus e he knows that his actions have led t the death of two of his beloved ones. According to 5865, this is the point where Victor begins to get sense of the consequences of his actions. He created death, so death follows him. Levine (490) notes that people tend to run away from their actions’ outcomes after they see that they are not desirable. Instead of dealing with the situation, Victor grief overpowers him and he is unable to withstand the sorrow at his home at Geneva. He decides that it is best to stay away from home by taking a vacation in the mountains; since he knows that the monster is probably tracking him; he knows that by staying away from home the monster would also follow him, and leave the family alone. While at the mountains, the monster approaches Victor and tries to beg for attention. It is evident that the monster is disappointed by the fact that Victor left it after creation. He admits to killing Victor’s brother, and asks that Victor understand his reasons. He says that the death of Victor’s brother William was a payback for leaving him to rot. With this, he asks victor to create another one like him so that he can be happy around someone who understood him, and w ho would not abandon him like Victor did. He says; â€Å"‘I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same species and have the same defects. This being you must create'†(Shelley and Maurice 129). His action of acting god, which is pure inhumanness, haunts him from the moment he creates the monster. His obsession to act as a creator finally ruins his life as well as the lives of the people that he cares about. Eventually, Victor changes from a human with feelings to become a person without feelings just as the creature that he created. The basics of human feeling are family and friends. The monster, seeing that victor does not care about him, sought to make him like he is, in an effort to make Victor understand the situation of being in solitude. With this, Victor falls for the monsters please and weighs the odds of creating a second monster, and refuses to grant the creature his wish to have a companion. However, the monster pleads and persuades him until he agrees to make the second, female monster to act as a companion to the first monster. He takes his friend Henry and return to England to prepare the necessary materials and information required for the creation of the female monster. Victor starts the work at a secluded island in company of the monster and is almost done when he feels that his actions are against moral expectations. He, therefore, destroys his progress attracting an outrage from the monster who in turn vows to destroy everything he loves. He even swears to kill Victor’s lover during his wedding night. In this, it is evident that Victor realized and regained his moral ground way too late. At this point, he will have to endure consequences for his actions (Vargo 419). The fist revenge the monster has on victor is killing of his best friend, Henry. When Victor travels to dump the remains of the second monster, He returns in the morning only to be arrested and accused of murdering his own friend. This occurrence finally drives victor to the edge. Losing his humanity is the only thing preventing Victor from becoming the monster he has created (Choice Reviews Online 32). He realizes that Henry was killed by the monster after the fallout they had the previous day. Although he denies having killed his friend, Victor is imprisoned for the time being as investigations are conducted. Overcome by grief of losing the people that he loved the most due to the consequences of his actions, Victor falls sick in the prisons where he is nursed back to health and acquitted. At this point, Victor returns with his father to Geneva, and marries the woman he loves, Elizabeth. (Woolley 50) notes that Elizabeth and Victor’s father are the only things holding him from truly becoming a monster. The monster knows that killing Victor wife would bring them closer. However, although he still remembers the words of the monster about visiting him on his wedding night and sends his bride away to avoid a confrontation. Despite this, the monster catches up with Elizabeth and kills her. At this point, Victor’s father, who has lost many people as well is unable to overcome his grief and dies shortly after the death of Elizabeth. Having lost his wife, his brother, his sister, his father and also his friend to the monster, he vows that it is time to exact revenge. Victor’s father, who was his source of comfort, is now dead, and so are his advices and encouragement. The hunter becomes the hunted as he runs from Victor, who is now murderous after losing his family and friends to the monster. Victor has not undergone a complete metamorphosis and turned into a monster. With no family, friends or siblings, Victor is now as lonely as the monster. The grief, anger, pain and remorse have now exhausted his feeling and behavior of a human being. At one point he almost gets to him but the monster is saved by the sea as the ice cracks and separates them with a gap. At this point, Victor is found by the captain Walton, as he travels through the ice and is almost dead of cold. This story, as the writer intends, enables the reader to have multiple interpretations of the actions of Victor. With these, the reader can decide either to think that Victor was a mad scientist, who crossed human boundaries without concern or an adventurer who lack responsibility of his actions. Either way, the reader can related to the process of Victor turning into his own creation. When Walton meets Victor, he is weak and almost dead of cold for travelling many days in the ice. Unlike the monster, he is human and unable to endure the cold. Walton tries his best to nurse Victor but later he succumbs to death. Walton, having heard the stories of the monster’s cruel acts is astonished to find him weeping over Victor’s body. He tells Walton that now that Victor is dead, he has no one else in this world. He recounts is suffering, remorse, solitude and hatred and concludes that he can now die as his creator has. At this point, he departs to the northernmost cold region to die. It is at this point that the reader finally experiences the solitude of the creature. The creature is Victor’s creation, gathered from old body parts and weird chemicals, energized by a puzzling flash. He enters life as a grown up and immensely strong yet with the psyche of an infant. Relinquished by his maker and befuddled, he tries to bond himself into society, just to be disregarded by everyone. Looking in the mirror, he understands his physical bizarreness, a part of his being that blinds world to his delicate, innocent nature. He mentions that; â€Å"‘When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I, the, a monster, a blot upon the earth from which all men fled and whom all men disowned?'†(Shelley and Maurice 105 Looking for reprisal on his maker, he executes Victor’s youthful sibling. After Victor wrecks his work on the female beast intended to facilitate the creature’s acceptance to the society, the beast murders Victor’s closest companion and afterward his wife Elizabeth. While Victor feels great disdain for his creation, the beast demonstrates that he is not a malicious being. The creature’s articulate portrayal of occasions (as given by Victor) uncovers his surprising affection and kindheartedness. He helps a gathering of poor laborers and saves a young lady from drowning, but since of his outward appearance, he is remunerated just with beatings and disdain; torn in the middle of vindictiveness and empathy, the beast winds up forlorn and tormented by regret. Indeed the demise of his inventor turned-would-be-destroyer offers just ambivalent alleviation: delight on the grounds that Victor has created him so much enduring, trouble on the grounds that Victor is the main individual with whom he has had any kind of relationship. Conclusion       In conclusion, the characters of Victor and his father are different from that of the monster, which has no family and friends. The only person who understood his existence, his creator Victor turned his back on him after he created him. Victor realized that his actions were immoral and that he was not supposed to create a monster. The plot develops the character of both Victor and his father to align with that of the monster. With time, the monster ruins the life of Victor just as his suspected by killing his family and best friend. In the end, Victor is filled with hate, remorse and anger just like the monster and dies a bitter man. References Coats, Karen. â€Å"Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.†Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books: 113-14. Print. Janowitz, Anne F., and William Veeder. â€Å"Mary Shelley and Frankenstein: The Fate of Androgyny.†The Modern Language Review: 938. Print. Levine, George. â€Å"Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and Stories. Charles E. Robinson Mary Shelley’s Monster: The Story of â€Å"Frankenstein.†Martin Tropp.†Nineteenth-Century Fiction: 486-91. Print. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, and Maurice Hindle. Frankenstein, Or, The Modern Prometheus. Rev. ed. London: Penguin, 2003. Print. â€Å"The Other Mary Shelley: Beyond Frankenstein.†Choice Reviews Online (1994): 31-36. Print. Vargo, Lisa. â€Å"Mary Shelley Studies: From â€Å"Author of Frankenstein†To â€Å"the Great Work Of Life††Literature Compass: 417-28. Print. Woolley, Rachel. â€Å"Syndy M. Conger, Frederick S. Frank, and Gregory O’Dea, Eds., Iconoclastic Departures: Mary Shelley After ‘Frankenstein’ – Essays in Honor of the Bicentenary of Mary Shelley’s Birth. Madison and London: Associated University Presses, 1997. ISBN: 0-8386-36.†Romanticism on the Net. Print. Source document
Sunday, September 29, 2019
SWOT and 4 P’s analysis
Fort Jesus is a company incorporated to manage and run Fort Jesus tourist attraction facility in a tourist attraction centre. The company has been in business for over years and it attracts customers from al over the world. The target market of the customers includes historians, holiday makers and other people who want to learn about slave trade and Arab-Portugal war. The company has much strength and weaknesses which make the company exist. Fort Jesus at the time of incorporation was a viable concept in an industry that was growing in all sectors. The target customers want an actively engaged in exploration, learning, discovering, entertaining, and holiday making. Fort Jesus has an advantage as the only company with a vision of exploring history about the Arab and the Portugal war in the coastal towns of Africa. The industry they operate in ha very few competitors and growth has been observed in every company that is operating to the industry. The company has cashed in since it is infancy on the expanding and high growth of market to accumulate huge financial resources that enables them to collect traditional artifacts from various parts of the continent and other continents. The company offers services such as traditional dances including the Brazil samba dance, the Mijikenda dance, the Hindu dance and the Chinese acrobatics. This has assisted the company to move to greater heights in terms of market share. They have also contracted international media companies like CNN to market them as the best museum to visit to get what you cannot get somewhere else. Fort Jesus objectives are to consider what works and what does not work. Through this, they have carried out research about various museums and attractions to museum and discover that the best concept is to bring majority of collections from various parts of the world. The company has employed the best human resources in marketing and customer care who receives customers and markets the services of the company to various groups in various parts of the world. The company also has participated in various trade fairs, marketing, tourism attraction centers including the Chinese 2008 Olympic trade fair which was to market some tourist attraction centers in China. The services of Fort Jesus are well priced to attract customers of various categories. However, the market of the company is segmented into foreign and locals. The company is well positioned in an area that attracts tourists of all walks of life. It is also nearer to a university that specializes in Art and Museum education. It is at the center of an international airport and the second deepest port in the world. The road networks of the area where the museum is situated is well maintained thus any visitor thus any visitor will have no problem of accessing the facility. The company’s biggest challenge is competition from other facilities from similar companies operating in various parts of the world who are also collecting traditional artifacts from various parts of the world to create a niche of products. The growth in the industry is encouraging although there is a pattern that protects some of the artifacts from being accessed. REFERENCES Armstrong G. & Kotler P. (2007). Consumer Markets: Influences on consumer behavior, Principles of Marketing. ICMR Case Studies and Management Resources. (2007). Consumer Behavior. Retrieved January 20, 2008 from  Kotler, P. (2005) Principles of Marketing. New York.Melbourne Press Schaik J.L., (2002); The Task of Marketing Management; J.L. van Schaik (Pity) ltd Winer, R.S. (2007). Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.              Â
Saturday, September 28, 2019
America and Immigration
When reading two articles that have been decades away, people will see the national opinion changed the immigrants. In the article of 1905, the southern part was cheap labor and he wanted immigrants. Almost 80 years later in 1983, the south showed different views on immigrants. In the 1905 article Immigration and South, Robert DeCoury Ward has just started talking about the idea that immigrants may be unfavorable for the US economy. Instead, in the 1983 article Immigration: How It Affects the United States, James Faros said drowsily that immigrants are harmful to the United States. Today 's Americans know that there are problems with illegal immigration. Every day many illegal immigrants pass through the country. There are 122 million to 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States. (Terrible immigration statistics) 1) The United States should allow all illegal immigrants to register or exile in their home countries. The United States should also develop plans for immigrants to obtain legal permission. If immigrants do not want to cooperate, they can not stay in the United States. - Many presidents promised to strengthen government regulation of the illegal immigration control cycle. But they have not succeeded. This seems to be an impossible task, thousands of people travel every day, many deceive the United States by getting a working visa and returning home. Illegal entry in the United States America consisted of immigrants from our country once. However, illegal immigrants are currently plaguing our economy. What happens if you allow millions of people to enter the country, whether legal or illegal? What happened today? You have dozens, hundreds of different nationalities from various places. Make yourself an isolated community and then let the country make changes for them. - Illegal entry The U.S. is a breach of US immigration policy and national law by foreigners entering the country or studying abroad without permission of the US government (illeg al immigration). Illegal immigration has occurred since the 1880's, and the number of foreigners is increasing year by year. The Web law in 1875 is known as the first federal immigration law prohibiting immigration. A new problem emerges in a new round of immigrants. This is a form of illegal entry. Many illegal immigrants come from Latin America (Mexico, Latin America). Mexico resulted in a number of illegal immigrants who changed the way most Americans think about immigrants and how the US government is trying to ease illegal immigration. In the climax of President Trump 's elections, immigrants represent a central position because they represent the difficulties, beliefs, and principles of many people of the American people. Voters desire more economic stability and regard illegal immigrants as a deterrent to the true prosperity of the United States. President Donald Trump won the voting of a considerate voter using this platform and handed this power to the hands of many illegal immigrants. Even banning immigrants forbidding the entry into and leaving the US to date. Country Immigration Essay (May 19, 2017) From America and Immigration When reading two articles that have been decades away, people will see the national opinion changed the immigrants. In the article of 1905, the southern part was cheap labor and he wanted immigrants. Almost 80 years later in 1983, the south showed different views on immigrants. In the 1905 article Immigration and South, Robert DeCoury Ward has just started talking about the idea that immigrants may be unfavorable for the US economy. Instead, in the 1983 article Immigration: How It Affects the United States, James Faros said drowsily that immigrants are harmful to the United States. Today 's Americans know that there are problems with illegal immigration. Every day many illegal immigrants pass through the country. There are 122 million to 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States. (Terrible immigration statistics) 1) The United States should allow all illegal immigrants to register or exile in their home countries. The United States should also develop plans for immigrants to obtain legal permission. If immigrants do not want to cooperate, they can not stay in the United States. - Many presidents promised to strengthen government regulation of the illegal immigration control cycle. But they have not succeeded. This seems to be an impossible task, thousands of people travel every day, many deceive the United States by getting a working visa and returning home. Illegal entry in the United States America consisted of immigrants from our country once. However, illegal immigrants are currently plaguing our economy. What happens if you allow millions of people to enter the country, whether legal or illegal? What happened today? You have dozens, hundreds of different nationalities from various places. Make yourself an isolated community and then let the country make changes for them. - Illegal entry The U.S. is a breach of US immigration policy and national law by foreigners entering the country or studying abroad without permission of the US government (illeg al immigration). Illegal immigration has occurred since the 1880's, and the number of foreigners is increasing year by year. The Web law in 1875 is known as the first federal immigration law prohibiting immigration. A new problem emerges in a new round of immigrants. This is a form of illegal entry. Many illegal immigrants come from Latin America (Mexico, Latin America). Mexico resulted in a number of illegal immigrants who changed the way most Americans think about immigrants and how the US government is trying to ease illegal immigration. In the climax of President Trump 's elections, immigrants represent a central position because they represent the difficulties, beliefs, and principles of many people of the American people. Voters desire more economic stability and regard illegal immigrants as a deterrent to the true prosperity of the United States. President Donald Trump won the voting of a considerate voter using this platform and handed this power to the hands of many illegal immigrants. Even banning immigrants forbidding the entry into and leaving the US to date. Country Immigration Essay (May 19, 2017) From America and Immigration When reading two articles that have been decades away, people will see the national opinion changed the immigrants. In the article of 1905, the southern part was cheap labor and he wanted immigrants. Almost 80 years later in 1983, the south showed different views on immigrants. In the 1905 article Immigration and South, Robert DeCoury Ward has just started talking about the idea that immigrants may be unfavorable for the US economy. Instead, in the 1983 article Immigration: How It Affects the United States, James Faros said drowsily that immigrants are harmful to the United States. Today 's Americans know that there are problems with illegal immigration. Every day many illegal immigrants pass through the country. There are 122 million to 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States. (Terrible immigration statistics) 1) The United States should allow all illegal immigrants to register or exile in their home countries. The United States should also develop plans for immigrants to obtain legal permission. If immigrants do not want to cooperate, they can not stay in the United States. - Many presidents promised to strengthen government regulation of the illegal immigration control cycle. But they have not succeeded. This seems to be an impossible task, thousands of people travel every day, many deceive the United States by getting a working visa and returning home. Illegal entry in the United States America consisted of immigrants from our country once. However, illegal immigrants are currently plaguing our economy. What happens if you allow millions of people to enter the country, whether legal or illegal? What happened today? You have dozens, hundreds of different nationalities from various places. Make yourself an isolated community and then let the country make changes for them. - Illegal entry The U.S. is a breach of US immigration policy and national law by foreigners entering the country or studying abroad without permission of the US government (illeg al immigration). Illegal immigration has occurred since the 1880's, and the number of foreigners is increasing year by year. The Web law in 1875 is known as the first federal immigration law prohibiting immigration. A new problem emerges in a new round of immigrants. This is a form of illegal entry. Many illegal immigrants come from Latin America (Mexico, Latin America). Mexico resulted in a number of illegal immigrants who changed the way most Americans think about immigrants and how the US government is trying to ease illegal immigration. In the climax of President Trump 's elections, immigrants represent a central position because they represent the difficulties, beliefs, and principles of many people of the American people. Voters desire more economic stability and regard illegal immigrants as a deterrent to the true prosperity of the United States. President Donald Trump won the voting of a considerate voter using this platform and handed this power to the hands of many illegal immigrants. Even banning immigrants forbidding the entry into and leaving the US to date. Country Immigration Essay (May 19, 2017) From
Friday, September 27, 2019
Feminist Criticism on A Dolls House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Feminist Criticism on A Dolls House - Essay Example ne analysis of this book, it is notable that Ibsen exposes the suppressive tendencies of a traditional society over a woman and her subsequent struggle at defining her individuality In its immediate impression, Torvald Helmer’s house cannot be described as misogynistic. There is a sense of tranquility that occurs in the house. A superficial judgment may describe Helmer’s marriage as peaceful. Helmer, however, manages the tranquility of the house by suppressing conflicts that may emerge out of Nora’s individuality. It is crucial to highlight that conflicts are essential for comprehensive development of a society. In this sense, conflicts are normal occurrences that help individuals shape better lives for themselves. A household, therefore, that appears not to have conflicts thrives on the suppression of a certain party. In the Helmer’s household, peace only occurs because of Nora’s insolence over matters that affect her wellbeing. The construction of woman in Ibsen’s society is one who is dependent on the husband for her own identity. This exposes a social lie that dominates the 19th century’s household. Nora is the adored beloved wife of Torvald Helmer. On the other hand, Torvald is a rigidly honest and admirable man of stringent moral ideals. Besides, he passionately dedicates his life to his family. According to such a society, he is an enviable husband and, consequently, a good man. Nora, while relying on her societal expectations, believes that she is a fortunate woman to have found husband as modest as Helmer. For a considerable period in her lifetime, Nora does not evaluate the value of her own life. In Nora’s eagerness to serve her husband, she illegally borrows money to take her husband to Italy. Thereafter, she struggles to pay the loan without the husband’s knowledge. Although she has no job, she saves every penny to repay the huge loan. Nora strives to uphold the name o f her family at the cost of her happiness. In this perspective,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The impact and influence of social media, and how it affects our world Essay
The impact and influence of social media, and how it affects our world - Essay Example The way the modern society interacts with social media has profound effects on their lives. For instance, it is easy to connect with a friend through Facebook when he or she is not responding to phone calls or text messages. Furthermore, it is easy to get entertainment by watching videos and listening to music in social media sites. There are many ways through which the modern society interacts with the society thus this essay seeks to find out how the interaction has changed the lifestyle of modern society. The interaction in social media has changed how the society socializes (Kaplan and Michael 60). In the modern society, cases of people lining up for long hours in telephone conversations are rare. To catch up with someone, it only takes a computer to communicate through email or other social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. In this scale, social media offer an opportunity to connect with people, make friends, share pictures and contents and exchange ideas or information. Nonetheless, the enhancement of communication between friends implies that social media influences the relationships within a society (Bolton et al. 247). Through social media, people can know their true friends and can count on them as trustworthy. Another influence on how people socialize is the influence that social media has in keeping the society informed. Social media sites are rich sources of information about global issues and local news. Therefore, the manner in which people interact with social media keeps the society informed and abreast of what is happening in the world. Social media have reduced or done away with individual gaps that existed before (Bolton et al. 246). Development of technology for sure provides secure means of communication where individuals can talk to anyone at any time. People work overseas and leave their families behind but still able to talk to them through social media. Channels like
American Trade and Imperialism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
American Trade and Imperialism - Research Paper Example ing this period, America started to influence the cultural, military, social, political, and economic nature of other nations that enabled America to expand its power and influence to foreign territories. Various factors led to the emergence and adoption of the American imperialism policy. These factors include the Spanish-American war where America sought the independence of Cuba by compelling Spain to withdraw from Cuba. The American need to annex Hawaii due to its immense natural resources and arable lands also fostered American imperialism. The American push for an "Open Door" trading policy in China that allowed America to have equal trading rights in China and the American quest to participate in international trade also led to American trade and imperialism. American imperialism led to various effects on America, its colonies, and other European nations. Such effects have been consistent and significant throughout the centuries. This paper addresses the political, economic, mi litary, cultural, and social influence of American trade and imperialism on America and other foreign nations. Since the early 1990s, the American economic interest had been superseding the American belief in democracy. Before the early 1990s, America had been opposing imperialism for many years. In simple terms, American imperialism relates to the political, economic, social, or cultural influence of the U.S on other foreign nations (Hobson 1). The influence emanating from this policy enabled America to participate in international trade and expand its power into powerless nations like Cuba. It is worth noting that the American need to become a dominant force in international trade and global affairs prompted America to disregard its democratic capitalism system of governance and focus on its economic interests (Hawkins 1). It is clear that the American imperialism began between 1870 and 1916 subject to distinct factors that equally led to the successful adoption of this policy. For
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Organizational Verbal Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organizational Verbal Communication - Essay Example One disadvantage of internal verbal communication is that information passed may be incomplete, thus rendering it unreliable (Sathya & Bhagaban, 2009). Incompleteness of information may result from failure of the communicator to include important issues in the message, or may result from lack of good communication skills. One main advantage of internal verbal communication is that it is fast, and individual members or groups working within an organization can be reached easily with messages (Sathya & Bhagaban, 2009). Managers can employ this method of communication to communicate to a large group within a very short time, thus ending up saving a lot of time and other resources that could have been utilized if other forms of communication, such as written communication method, could have been used. Face-to-face communication is instantaneous. It is always used in situations such as meetings or in interviews where quick response and clarification is needed immediately, thus making it t he most effective form of communication in such situations (Sathya & Bhagaban, 2009). Moreover, little time is also spent in passing information, and individuals can respond to each other or seek clarifications instantly. One main disadvantage of this form of communication is that it mostly relies on memory (Sathya & Bhagaban, 2009). When important information is required from somebody, maybe at the time he/she were not prepared to respond, they might give wrong information due to inability to remember some information. As such, the information shared in this manner end up being inaccurate and therefore unreliable. Telephone and voicemail are forms of communication that makes it possible to pass and receive quick information that does not need to be written down. Telephone is very quick in case one wants to make inquiries, or when one wants to pass urgent information.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Perceptions of Female Student Pilots Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Perceptions of Female Student Pilots - Article Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the lack of sufficient female pilots is a very vital concern that the aviation industry must study and research. A good starting point for the lack of female pilots can be by having academic programs of flight in which future pilots are introduced to the industry of aviation. Since these programs are considered a starting place for pilots in the aviation industry, environmental surroundings must be taken into account as to the low ratio of representation of female pilots. The purpose here is to now carry out a national research of the perceptions of female student pilots in the aviation industry. If these academic flight programs have the potential to improve the enrollment of female flight students, this program then would create a ripple effect in the industry and would help increase female pilots in the aviation industry. This study can be considered as a quantitative study. The author is trying to find out why th ere is a shortage of female pilots. With the usage of study methodologies, this case is researchable, and the author feels that it offers vital information. This study’s limitations were centered on sensitization of the program. The author has provided a five-chapter layout. This review literature is fairly comprehensive. The author gives the main outlines as well as elaborating on the research and literature findings where need be. The aviation industry historically has not been a career for women. All through history, women have been turned away while male pilots have sabotaged those that succeeded. Despite these constraints, a number of brave women have broken through the barriers with personal determination and passion in their quest to fly.
Monday, September 23, 2019
6 Steps to Decision-Making Process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
6 Steps to Decision-Making Process - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that last year at school the author was given a chance to choose a team. He made the poor decision of not considering two cheerleaders to be a part of his team because of bias. The teams composed of these cheerleaders received the only two A the professor gave. The stages of team development are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. During the forming stage, people get to know each other. In the storming stage, the group deals with tensions and defines group tasks. The norming stage has the teammates working together and building relationships. In the performing stage, there is maturation in relationships and task performance. Adjourning involves disbanding and celebrating accomplishments. Managing and leading are two distinct concepts when it comes to teamwork. When a person is managing in a team the person gives orders to others on what to do. Leading involves guiding the team on the right path. Some of the characteristics of an effective te am are good communication, existence of teamwork, delivering tasks on time, and performance. To have a better chance to receive an A on a research paper the team must perform good research and dissect information properly. Not having intelligent information affects the process adversely and can lead to making bad decisions. Using information from credited sources such as Plunkett Research, Dun & Bradstreet, and peer-reviewed journals can help the decision-making process.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Online Direct Competition Essay Example for Free
Online Direct Competition Essay The online airline ticket market is rife with cut-throat competition from a number of sources, including travel agencies, wholesalers and Internet travel agents such as Microsofts and CNNs US-Airlines set competition for Six of the key US-Aircarriers have agreed to step up to the competition set by in the segment of consumer-self-pricing. United Airlines, American Airlines, Northwest, Continental, America West and US Airways will be selling their free allotments under www. Similar to, travellers will be quoting the rate at which they wish to travel and according to availability can be granted their requested price. Increasing Competition, which has patented several of its business models, faces increasing competition on multiple fronts. While companies like Budget Rent A Car have licensed one of priceline.coms business models, Microsoft has launched a name-your-price service for hotel rooms on its Expedia site. has filed a lawsuit against Microsoft. In addition to worrying about protecting its business model, the consolidation of the online travel market could lead to increased competition for The upcoming merger of Preview Travel and will create an online travel powerhouse, whose allies include America Online and Yahoo!. Both industry giants will have a stake in the new venture. Intended as a comeback directed at its competitors, is focusing upon licensing its business models to other companies in other industries. For example, Alliance Mortgage will license the name-your-price business model and team up with to launch an online mortgage service known as PricelineMortgage. The chart below shows the sites that customers visit both before and after visiting All sorts of competing sites figure in the before and after surfing list above. These range from specific airline websites like to competing full-service travel sites like and A competitive site to note is as it figures prominently in both lists and is a site that drives customers to Although it is compelling to see how competitors figure in the pre and post site visit categories, it is even more interesting to look at a typical Path that visitors take through Priceline.coms site. This path includes visits to off-site destinations. The figure below shows a typical path a visitor takes through the site and the sites they visit that are off-site According to this path analysis, a visitor visits, leaves the site and returns to the site to either continue surfing or make a purchase. Note the abundance of competing sites that visitors travel to:,,, and also to banks perhaps to verify their account balances before booking their vacation. Legal issues: With the Name Your Own Price services, and pricelinemortgage are the leaders in the field of electronic commerce and true innovators in the way people buy the things they need. They are very adamant about keeping customers privacy online. This is represented in their clearly displayed privacy policy and privacy promise.5 The information collected and stored by includes names, addresses, credit card numbers and other personally-identifying information of customers of the Site who make purchase requests. This information is saved in a secure environment and is kept in records to make it easier for customers to use the services on return visits. use cookies technology. Cookies are small bits of code, usually stored on a users computer hard drive, which enable a Web site to personalize itself for each user. They use cookies to reduce the time it takes for customers to submit purchase requests. No third party has access to the information they collect this way. also have a disable cookies button which will turn them off. Information collected by or pricelinemortgage is stored in a single, secure database, accessible only by and pricelinemortgage. Names, addresss, credit card numbers or any other personally-identifying information are not revealed to any participating seller, manufacturer, retailer, or sponsor of These are collectively referred to as Providers, unless a customer affirmatively respond to the Providers offer and/or the Provider agrees to provide the product or service the customer requested at a specified price. From time to time, or pricelinemortgage also contact customers to request feedback on their experience using the Site, to assist Priceline in improving the Site, or to offer special savings or promotions to customers. also offer an opt-out option on receiving these notices. Customers are also able to access and change any personal information kept by Priceline. To protect customers privacy and security, they verify your identity before granting access or making changes to your personally-identifying information. If you have registered your profile on any of the services available on their Site from or pricelinemortgage, your e-mail address and password are required in order to access your profile information. Trade marks A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name. Pricelines patent covers its marketing system as embodied in a computer. The claims, which define what the patent covers, recite a method for using a computer to facilitate a transaction between a buyer and seller. The buyer inputs a conditional purchase offer into the computer and a payment identifier, such as a credit card number. The computer outputs the purchase offer to sellers. A seller can then input an acceptance, at which time the payment is made using the payment identifier. There are also claims for an apparatus that can perform the same functions. At a first pass, it appears that much of electronic commerce could fit within Pricelines patent. If so, Priceline could extract a royalty for use of its patent on all commerce over the Internet or over any other computer system including proprietary systems. This patent could severely limit the use of electronic commerce. Priceline ( filed its application in 1996, as electronic commerce was just starting to grow. Now, when electronic commerce is more firmly entrenched, the patent is granted, and that award threatens to thwart the growth of electronic commerce. There are many issues yet to be explored with respect to Pricelines patent. To appreciate them, it helps to understand how the Patent Office could issue a patent on a system that is little more than business relationships communicated using a computer. Until recently such a patent would have been rejected. has had a hard time defending itself within this type of market against possible threats of infringement on there patents or trademarks. An example of this is major dot-com, Pannell-Christ Inc., an Indiana-based provider of consulting and training services to facing accusations of hijacking intellectual property. Sued by the firm that provides name your own price services for hotels, car-hire and airline tickets. According to the, Pannell-Christ is disputing Pricelines use of the phrases Name Your Price and Name Your Own Price. Pannell-Christ maintains it used the Name Your Price! trademark as far back as 1997. However, the company had not filed for a trademark on the phrase until several months after had begun using the slogan in 1998. The U.S. Trademark Office granted Pannell-Christ federal registration of the mark on February 1, 2000.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Symbolic Mediation Internalization Learning Process And Zpd Education Essay
Symbolic Mediation Internalization Learning Process And Zpd Education Essay Second language acquisition (SLA) is a relatively new field, which was seen as an adjunct of language teaching pedagogy before 1960s (Myles, 2010). Ellis (1994) defined three aspects that are responsible for L2 acquisition: external factors (social factors, input and interactions); internal factors (learners existing knowledge and internal mechanisms) and individual learner factors (P. 193). The social factors was investigated under heavy influence from Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Developments (ZPD). In this paper, major focus would be around the notion and application of ZPD, including: defining ZPD and key concepts of Vygotskys theory relating to ZPD: symbolic mediation, internalization,learning process, the role of interlocutor and learner; comparing Vygotskys social cultural theory (SCT) with Piagets cognitive theory; comparing Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Developments with Krashens notion of i+1 hypothesis Symbolic mediation, internalization , learning process and ZPD The social-cultural theory, stemmed from Vygotskys thoughts claims that the language learning process is socially mediated (Lantolf, 2000). Lantolf (1994) stressed that from Vygotskian perspective, the higher forms of human mental activity are always, and everywhere, mediated by symbolic means (P. 418) The symbolic mediation refers to the external process via symbolic signs or tools in social context through which learner can control mental process after internalization (Lightbown Spada, 2006). Lantolf (2000) regards language, among all the symbolic tools, as the most powerful psychological tool (P. 81). Through the mediation of language, the child or learner learns how to perform a task or solve a problem with the help from a more skilled individual (Mitchell Myles, 2004). In other words, the learning process starts as an inter-mental activity, by the more skilled individual sharing through talk, and ends as an intra-mental activity, with the shared knowledge taken in by the unski lled individual. Thus, according to Vygotsky, learning includes two stages: shared understanding in social context through symbolic mediation (mainly in the form of dialogue) and internalization of the shared knowledge by individual. The learning process from a Vygotskyan perspective is described as new concepts continue to be acquired through social/interactional means (Mitchell Myles, 2004, P. 147). Vygotsky defines the concept of zone of proximal development (ZPD), as the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86). In other words, the role of more advanced interlocutor is stressed by assisting individual crossing the gap between actual level (what the learner can do alone) and potential level (what the learner can achieve with help). The learner is cognitively prepared for solving more complex problems if supported by an interlocutor. More importance has been attached to social interaction between learner and interlocutor, which is regarded as a causative force in acquisition (Saville-Troike, 2006, P. 111). Vygotsky versus Piaget Zuengler and Miller (2006) reviewed the ongoing debates on whether a separation should be made between second language acquisition and second language use and the debates on the commensurability of theories from different schools. It may be interesting to notice that the differences between sociocultural theory and cognitive theory bear relationship with their origins -Vygotsky, the father of socioculture theory and Piaget, the father of cognitive theory. Piaget and Vygotsky are among the earliest proponents to link childrens language development with their cognitive development (Lightbown Spada, 2006). For Piaget, the cognitive development for children is realized through interaction with things around them and is presented by language which is not different from Vygotskys view. They share the view of learner as a social human being who are learning through interaction with environment and of learning and development as a contextually embedded process of interactions (Vianna Stetsenko, 2006, P. 85). However, the dissimilar emphasis that they place on social interaction leads to three major differences. For Piaget, children learn and develop in the environment. For Vygotsky, children not only learn and develop in the environment but also change it through interaction. Therefore, for Vygotsky, language is seen as a more powerful symbolic mediation (Lightbown Spada, 2006). The second difference is adaption versus transformation (Vianna Stetsenko, 2006, P. 87). For Piaget, human develop by assimilation and accommodation to adapt to the environment, whereas for Vygotsky, human develop by actively changing the environment. The third difference lies in their view of the priority between learning and cognitive development. For Piaget, children need to be cognitively prepared to a certain stage before learning, while for Vygotsky, precedence is given to learning instead of development. Therefore, Vygotsky argue for teaching or learning within ZPD, where learners could do more with scaf folding from interlocutors than their independent performance (Zuengler Miller, 2006). ZPD versus i+1 Second language scholars have suggested the feasibility of integrating Krashens i+1 with Vygotskys zone of proximal development (ZPD) based on their similarities. Dunn and Lantolf (1998) have stated the incommensurability of these two concepts not only because they are unrelated but also because they are based on incommensurable theoretical discourses (P. 411) In Krashens view, humans acquire language in only one way-by understanding messages, or by receiving comprehensible input . . . that contains structures at our next stage- structures that are a bit beyond our current level of competence (Krashen, 1985, p. 2). More specifically, three factors contribute to language learning learners internalized grammar,namely the i, input containing linguistic structure a bit beyond learners current level, namely the i+1 and learners internal language processing mechanism (LAD) For Vygotsky, as mentioned above, ZPD is defined as those functions that have not yet matured but are in the process of maturation (1978, p. 86). A more holistic picture has been drawn with respect to language learning learner, interlocutor, their social cultural backgrounds, their goals and motives and all the resources available (Dunn Lantolf, 1998). Learning and development occur in both situations, where learner will surpass their current level either with assistance from a more advanced interlocutor within learners ZPD or with acquisition of linguistic structure i+1, which may contribute largely to their seemingly similarities. However, it would be cautious to notice as well that the development occur with a comparison of learners current level, that is learner himself. Therefore, it would be less justifiable to view the development in Krashens term as an equivalent to that in Vygotskys theory. Also it would be more reasonable to notice that the construct of ZPD and i+1 cannot stand without considering the theocratical frame that they root in respectively. Therefore, a comparison would be made between theories that have incubated these two constructs with respect to the relationship between learning and development, the consequence of learning, the role of language, learner and interlocutor and the role of social interaction. The fundamental difference between Krashens theory with Vygotskys theory is their diverse view on the relationship between instruction learning and cognitive development. Krashen hold the view as a separatist, who perceive learning under instruction and cognitive development as two independent process (Dunn Lantolf, 1998, P. 491). Therefore, Krashen intentionally draw a line between learning and acquisition, arguing that only though subconscious acquisition can comprehensible input be acquired, and learners cognition be developed. Conversely, Vygotsky presented a dualistic quality to development, that is whether learning consciously or not, a mutual influence exists between learning and development ( Dunn Lantolf, 1998, P. 491). Thus, learners are learning and developing at the same time, and the site where learning and development meet is called ZPD. Secondly, Krashen and Vygotsky differ in their view of the consequence of learning, based on their divergent view on learning and development. For Krashen, the outcome of learning is the linguistic structure that is a bit beyond learners current level, and with the acquisition of this feature, learner has developed cognitively, ready to obtain the next i +1. Whereas for Vygotsky, learners are developing along the whole learning process, which means that not only the immediate future, but also the maturing process account for development (Dunn Lantolf, 1998, P. 422). Therefore, it is the variability between acquisition and Internalization (Kinginger, 2002, P. 418). Thirdly, the roles of language, learner and interlocutor are interpreted differently. From Krashens point, language is conceived as a container of linguistic features with comprehensible input and learner as a container with Language Acquisition Device (LAD), the individual process mechanism built inside minds, and the assistance from interlocutor is not necessary (Dunn Lantolf, 1998, P. 418). In contrast, from Vygotskys perspective, language is one of the the most powerful psychological tool of semiotic mediation system (Lightbown Spada, 2006, P. 81), and thus representing the mediated forms of cognition (Dunn Lantolf, 1998, P. 426). Both learner and interlocutor are portrayed as a social human being, with motivation and social cultural identity, instead of a loner with an innate ability to process (Kinginger, 2001, P. 419). Moreover, unbalanced attention is given to social interaction in the frame developed by Krashen and Vygotsky. Krashen assigned relatively little importance to social interaction due to the existence of LAD, despite his support for a weak form of interaction: meaning negotiating proposed by Long (1996). In other words, Krashen argues that the strong form of interaction such as scaffolding or peer collaboration as well as learner output bear no direct relevance to SLA (Dunn Lantolf, 1998). In contrast, social interaction is viewed as the medium and the result of development by Vygotskian scholars (Kinginger, 2001, P. 422). Thus in order to maximize learners acquisition, interlocutor should scaffold the learner along ZPD and learners comprehensible output is as important as comprehensible input. Conclusion Over the past decade, there has been an increasing number of SLA researches conducted under the influence of socioculture theory (SCT) based on the work of Vygotsky (Ableeva Lantolf, 2011; Brooks Swain et al., 2010; Kinginger, 2002; Knouzi Swain et al., 2010; Lantolf, 2007; Foster Ohta, 2005; Swain Deters, 2007; Swain Lapkin et al, 2009). This theory differs from other theory describing the SLA in the stance that social environment is not only a learning context but rather a significant contributor to language acquisition (Swain Deters, 2007). Thus the concept built in SCT framework such as ZPD, cannot be viewed separately away from its origin, which implies that it would be best for any future comparison or commensuration of concepts from unlike theories be made with their roots considered. Also the incommensurability precisely add the value to the theory building in SLA field, not only for the sake of the this particular school itself but also for a helpful reflection for ot her schools.It is with this sharp comparison between different perspectives, a more holistic picture can be draw for L2 acquisition, despite the criticisms been made and the debates ongoing (Zuengler Miller, 2006). Lantolf (1996) have shown his welcome for a future of letting all the flowers bloom in SLA theory building and I simply cannot agree more with him (P.713-49).
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