Friday, December 27, 2019
“Swot Analysis of Project Management in Bangladeshâ€Â
â€Å"SWOT Analysis of Project Management in Bangladesh†August 11, 2012 Shah Md-Al-Emran Faculty of Business Administration ASA University Bangladesh Subject: Submission of â€Å"SWOT Analysis of Project Management in Bangladesh †. Sir, We are pleased to submit my report onâ€Å"SWOT Analysis of Project Management in Bangladesh†. . This report is a part of Project Management (MGT411) to complete our BBA program. We have prepared this report under the instruction of you. Though it was a tough job but it’s a great pleasure to perform the task and it enrich my knowledge. We have given our sincere effort to complete the report. We don’t copy anything from anywhere. Finally we are submitting the report and will be grateful if you kindly†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ To determined the investment opportunities. †¢ To describe the resource utilization of project in Bangladesh. †¢ To estimate the challenges of project management in Bangladesh. Specific objectives: There are some specific objectives which are given below: †¢ To determine the strength of project in Bangladesh. †¢ To systematic, planning and organizing control of project. †¢ Information about strategic information of project. †¢ Identify the problems of project management in Bangladesh. D. Methodology: We have use two methodology to prepare our term paper, these are given below: 1) Primary data 2) Secondary data Primary data: primary data is collected from the following way: †¢ Face to face conversation with different project managers and personnels Secondary data: Secondary data is taken by using following sources: †¢ Information from different articles about project management in Bangladesh †¢ Information from the book of project management. †¢ Research data about project management. E. Limitations Limitations which we have faced while we are preparing this report are given below: †¢ Lack of information. †¢ Lack of co-operation of different project personnel. †¢ Lack of knowledge. †¢ Limited time for collect data. Chapter 2: project management A. Project Management Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, managing,Show MoreRelatedMy Personal Swot Analysis854 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieving the objective. The internal factors may be viewed as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their impact on the organizations objectives. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay about My Values and God - 1465 Words
Values in life are something that are extremely important to have in my life. A value is something that a person considers to be important to themselves. Financial values vary from person to person. Not everybody wants the same lifestyle. Some people dream of having expensive cars, spacious homes and many possessions. Others search for the simple life, uncluttered by material goods. Our values influence the way we earn, spend, save, invest and spend money. Personal values are influenced by family and friends, by television and movies, and by what attracts us in the marketplace. For example, you may want to go to college, yet you want to earn money to buy a new car. If you cannot afford both, you must make a choice. A goal is a†¦show more content†¦Keep the vision of your goals clear and compelling by using visual representations like tree diagrams and mind maps, which will allow you to create goals into organized patterns. Personal motivation and stamina help to ensure that we are on track with regards to our goal achievements. What motivates you will depend on the consequences of your actions- that is, you will be motivated to select a particular task if it gives you more positive rewards than the other, like enhanced sense of pride and or accomplishment. Being flexible means being able to reframe our setbacks in goal achievement as challenges. It also means looking for alternatives and making them work for us. Self-discipline is about doing what needs to be done rather than what you would like to do. To be more disciplined, you need to take responsibility for yourself managing your own life and fulfilling the goals that you have set out. Achieving goals is a constant process, never a destination in itself. Now that you have arrived at your outcome, its time to set another objective. However, schedule a period of rest and allow yourself to celebrate your successes; then start on your journey again. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Construction of Queen
Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Construction of Queens Wharf. Answer: Introduction The project mainly reflects on the construction of Queens Wharf, which is mainly set up in order to attract the new visitors as well as investment as it mainly helps in reconnecting the city of Brisbane as well as the Brisbane River ( 2017). The construction of Queens Wharf will mainly include implementation of residential towers, department store, beverage outlets, and Queensland hotel and hospitality school. The assignment mainly helps in elaborating the organizational setting and environment of the project in order to understand the entire project context. The assignment also assists in providing proper analysis as well as overview about the utilization of project management related tools, concepts as well as techniques in order to demonstrate the understanding as well as knowledge related with the project. Brief description of the organizational setting and the project environment The Queens Wharf is mainly constructed in order to attract large number of visitors as it generally helps in reconnecting the activity of Brisbane that helps in defining the entire city of Brisbane including Queen Street Mall, South bank, Botanic Gardens as well as Parliamentary precinct with the Brisbane River. It is identified that it is being delivered with the help of Star Entertainment Group as well as Chai Tai Fook enterprise for facilitating the planning as well as delivery of the Queens Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development ( 2017). It is mainly expected to create more than 2000 construction related jobs and 8000 additional ongoing employment opportunities. The development of resort must include implementation of new hotels, residential towers, new department store, beverage outlets and Queensland cinema as well as hospitality school. Outline the objectives of the project and its importance The main objectives of developing Queens Wharf resort are as follows: To develop Queens Wharf for providing proper facility to the people of Brisbane. To enhance job opportunities within the area of Brisbane To enhance tourism within Australia The resort of Queens Wharf is mainly developed for providing appropriate facility to the visitors as the resort mainly consists of residential rooms, hotels, beverage outlets, moonlight cinema and Queensland hotel. The construction of the resort also enhances construction jobs by 2000 in the area f Brisbane ( 2017). In addition to this, the development is mainly done as it is expected to provide $1.69 billion annually and also assists in enhancing tourism Detailed over as well as analysis of the use of relevant project management concept, techniques and tools Process utilized for defining the project It is identified that appropriate steps are utilized by the project manager in order to define the entire project. The steps that are utilized are as follows: Planning phase: In this phase, proper plan is created by the project managers in order to begin the project. The manager of the project mainly involves in activities that include time estimation, budget estimation, and analysis of project requirement as well as preparation of project schedule. Initiation phase: The initiation phase is created in order to define the scope of the project, objectives as well as deliverables (Todorovic et al. 2015). It is identified that the project manager assists in preparing financial plan, appointing workers as well as identifying project related risk. Execution phase: It is found that appropriate activities are utilized in the phase for constructing the entire resort of Queens Wharf. It is found that the activities that are utilized for executing the construction off resort include application of tiles, colors, and bricks, installation of electrical circuit, and implementation of residential tower, beverage outlet as well as hotel. Development phase: The project manager develops the entire project of Queens Wharf in this phase by executing number of activities that include preparation of vision statement, formation of resort campus board, payment structure and more (Zlatanova 2017). In addition to this, the entire project is finalized in this phase. Closure phase: In this phase, the project manager mainly assists in handling the entire deliverables of the project. In addition to this, they also involves in managing the project by reviewing the entire project after its implementation. Discussion of project plan The entire project plan of Queens Wharf is designed for controlling as well as executing the project. The steps that are incorporated within the construction of resort for completing the project execution within time are as follows: Requirement of project analysis: It is identified that proper requirement analysis is important in order to construct the resort of Queens Wharf within the estimated budget and time. Project nature analysis: The nature of the project must be evaluated effectively so that the entire project will be executed properly by arranging proper materials as well as resources (Burke, 2013). It is found that project nature analysis helps in giving a clear concept about the project which is quite advantageous. Project resource estimation: The resources of the project must be estimated effectively in order to complete the entire project within the assumed time and budget. Improper estimation of resources generally leads to project failure. Time schedule estimation: It is considered as one of the most significant task for the project manager as it helps in providing proper idea about the required time for completing the project (Costa, Larson and Stamieszkin 2014). Proper estimation of time is required in order to complete the execution of the project within the assumed budget. Estimation of budget: It is found that appropriate estimation of project is one of the significant tasks for providing an appropriate overview about the required budget of the project. Appropriate estimation of project is necessary for completing the entire project within the estimated time Estimation of labor: The workforce that is required must be analyzed as well as estimated within the planning phase (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). Proper estimation is required in order to complete the entire project within the assumed budget and time. Additional requirement Analysis: In this activity, the additional requirement of the project is estimated for completing the project successfully within the assumed budget and time. Scheduling resources and costs Figure 1: Gantt chart (Source: Created by Author) Resource Sheet Resource Name Type Material Label Max. Units Std. Rate Ovt. Rate Cost/Use Accrue At Base Calendar Project manager Work 100% $50.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Sponsor Work 100% $0.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Finance manager Work 100% $30.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Site supervisor Work 200% $25.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Contractor Work 100% $25.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Plumber Work 500% $20.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard System planner Work 300% $25.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Risk manager Work 100% $30.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Project planner Work 400% $25.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 Prorated Standard Management of project risks It is identified that during the construction of Queens Wharf, the project manager faces numerous challenges as well as issues, which can be managed properly by following the steps that are provided below: Risk identification: It is identified that risk identification is one of the significant step in risk management. The risks must be identified properly so that they can be mitigated or resolved easily by adopting proper strategies as well as methods (Hwang, Zhao and Toh 2014). The risk associated with the construction of resort can be identified as per the types of the risk that include personnel risk, cost related risk, deadline risk as well as quality related risk. Risk analysis: Risk analysis is mainly undertaken for elaborating the risk that is mainly related with the Queens Wharf. In this step, various risks are identified as per their probability of occurrence. It is identified that both the cost assessment as well as project portfolio helps in classifying the project (Mir and Pinnington 2014). It is quite significant to analyze the risk appropriately so that the project manager can achieve appropriate information about the risks. Risk assessment: The risk analysis is mainly done by utilizing both qualitative and quantitative measurement of risks. In the construction of resort, numerous procedures of risk assessment are generally used that generally include qualitative research, probable maximum loss, risk map and performance indicators (Pinto 2014). Proper strategy must be utilized for assessing the risks so that the risks must be mitigated easily. Risk control: The risks that are analyzed within the risk analysis step are generally influenced with the help of project managers for determining the steps that are helpful in risk control. The different types of risk control step that must be applied for controlling the risk of the project include bearing, avoidance as well as passing risk. The project managers must follow appropriate steps or strategies for controlling the risk in order to minimize the level of impact it creates. Risk Monitoring: Risk that is associated with the construction of Queens Wharf must be identified properly (Serpella et al. 2014). The main objective of the risk management plan is not only to reduce risk. The various risk related with the project should be completed within the estimated budget as well as time. Project performance management Performance management is mainly referred as one of the procedure that mainly assists in implementing, planning as well as improving both the effectiveness as well as efficiency of the project. The main purpose is to provide appropriate facility to the people of Brisbane by developing hotel, hospitality school, beverage outlets, and Queensland cinema within the same resort (Taylan et al. 2014).The development of Queens Wharf also helps in providing appropriate job opportunities to the people of Brisbane. It is found that both performance management and evaluation is mainly designed in order to access the past level of performance, goal achievements and for assisting employees to identify different objectives and goals associated with the project of Queens Wharf. In contrast to this, it is identified that timely performance is mainly undertaken when the probationary period gets completed. It is identified that the present Australian environment is generally characterized by different types of mergers, downsizing as well as acquisitions with the help of appropriate consolidation measures. It mainly assists in influencing the entire industry an also helps in creating proper different between failure and success (Kuo and Lu 2013). Appropriate rules as well as principles are mainly utilized in order to manage the performance properly. It is stated by Mir and Pinnington (2014) that appropriate communication is quite necessary between the various levels of the organization for achieving appropriate objectives of the organization. There is appropriate value that generally assists in negotiating, commenting as well as discussing various objectives related with performance. The evaluation session should be properly reviewed as it mainly helps the managers in sharpening different types of problems associated with project. Conclusion It can be concluded from the entire assignment that development f Queens Wharf is quite advantageous to the people of Brisbane. It is generally set for enhancing the number of visitors. The resort helps in providing appropriate facility to the visitors and it consists of beverage outlet, moonlight cinema, residential hotels and more. The visitors can get all the facility within the same resort and therefore then do not have to face problems. The development of Queens Wharf helps in providing job opportunities to the people of Brisbane. It is identified that during the development of the project the managers faces number of challenges which can be only resolved by taking appropriate steps that are generally discussed in this project References Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. 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Research Project on the Usability of Oracle Spatial within the RWS Organisation; Detailed Project Plan.GISt Report No. 15, Delft, 2002, 13 p.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Type and Structure of Crime and Punishment Essay Example For Students
Type and Structure of Crime and Punishment Essay Crime and Punishment is a psychological novel that deals with Raskolnikovs aspirations to transcend pity, guilt, and the desire for companions. He is mentally tormented due to his intellectual disgust with his compassionate and submissive nature that suffers for others pain. Both of Raskolnikovs personalities are personified in the novel. The embodiment of the cold, intellectual side of Raskolnikovs character is Svidrigailov, who cares little of other peoples needs but will do anything to see that his own are met. Svidrigailov can even beat and kill his wife and feel no remorse (Dostoevsky 282). He keeps to himself mainly and does not have a want for friends. However, it is seen that Svidrigailov is wrong in his ways when he is rejected by Dounia and can no longer stand living alone in the shadows of society, and resorts to suicide(511). We will write a custom essay on Type and Structure of Crime and Punishment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Svidrigailov is what Raskolnikov desires to become. In his theory of the extraordinary man, there is no room for bothering with others feelings. And since Raskolnikov despises the idea of being a louse, or an ordinary person who is ruled by morality, accepting charity from an old woman nauseates him as soon as he leaves it up to the evil part of his character that dissects every action and compares it to how Napoleon (113-14) would have acted. This section of his personality is responsible for the murders of Alyona Ivanovna and Lizaveta. The compassionate humble aspect of Raskolnikov is symbolized in Sonia Semyonovna Marmeladov. Sonias father, Semyon Zakharovitch was a drunkard and could not financially support the family, thus Sonia shows a great level of compassion and prostitutes herself in order to care for the Marmeladovs, much like Raskolnikov giving almost all his money to the family (14, 185-86). The outstanding humanitarianism of Sonia is also illustrated by her reaction to Raskolnikovs confession. Instead of turning her back on him, she sympathized and declared that there is no onein the whole world as unhappy as you (411-12). Sonia is the redemptive figure in the novel, too, persuading Raskolnikov to confess to the police. Sonias relation to Raskolnikov was rightly paralleled in the novel to that of Jesus raising the dead Lazarus (325-28). Raskolnikov was separated from society, and through confessing to first Sonia and then the police, he had nothing to hide and was brought back into the world, even though as a prisoner in a Siberian labor camp (535). Raskolnikovs psychological dilemma is solved through Sonia. Crime and Punishment is the story of Raskolnikovs dissatisfaction with himself, which is the cause of all his problems. Sonia, though passivley, helps Raskolnikov find comfort in religion and morality, which coincide with his natural disposition.
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