Thursday, August 27, 2020
Wuthering Heights By Bronte Essays (1230 words) - British Films
Wuthering Heights By Bronte In Bronte's epic Wuthering Heights the thought remuneration for affection lost is examined. Wuthering Heights is a tranquil house in the nation where the Earnshaw's and Heathcliff live. Heathcliff adores Catherine Earnshaw without a doubt in any case, she chooses to wed another man, Edgar. Heathcliff weds Edgar's sister just to make Catherine desirous. Toward the end Heathcliff forsakes his arrangement for retribution and pronounces his affection for Catherine just to see her bite the dust soon after. In the novel Wuthering Heights Bronte shows that vengeance isn't the key to joy through incongruity, through plot, and through portrayal. Incongruity is utilized again and again in the novel Wuthering Heights to communicate the idea of retribution. The fundamental amusing occurrence in this novel is that nobody winds up with the individual they need to be with in spite of the way that they can be with the one they love. For instance Catherine cherishes Heathcliff. Catherine and Heathcliff are soul mates, and she even comments to Nelly that, ? I [Catherine] am Heathcliff!? (142). She resents Heathcliff for not leaving sooner to make a big deal about himself. Catherine could have had Heathcliff, yet she decides not to and winds up hopeless. Another case of incongruity is that Heathcliff and Isabella don't cherish one another. Heathcliff feels that he is with Isabella to settle the score with Catherine. He considers Isabella to be a clueless ?youthful lady?(91). In any case, Isabella hitched Heathcliff for show disdain toward. She dislikes the way that her Catherine wedded her sibling and needed to give just desserts to Catherine. Neither Isabella nor Heathcliff discover bliss in every others arms, and the two of them kick the bucket hopeless and unsatisfied with one another. The way that Edgar needs to settle the score with Heathcliff after Catherine's demise is extremely unexpected. Edgar won. Catherine weds him and not Heathcliff. Edgar is consistently envious of Heathcliff. Prior to Catherine's end Edgar reveals to her that, ?It is outlandish for you to be my companion and his at the same time? (99). At the point when Catherine doesn't p. 3 react to this Edgar goes on to advise her, ?I totally expect you to pick? (100). At the point when Catherine does pass on Edgar looks for vengeance. He realizes that Catherine kicked the bucket of a wrecked heart torn among Edgar and Heathcliff. Edgar in a fuming rage tells Nelly, ?I'll squash his ribs in like a spoiled hazel nut?(158). He looks for retribution on Heathcliff, however never gets it. A last case of incongruity is with Heathcliff and Hindly. A couple of years after Hindly sentences Heathcliff to an existence of bondage Heathcliff runs off and gets by. He returns a rich and appropriate man. Heathcliff helps Hindly free and clear. Be that as it may, Hindly owes such a lot of cash to Heathcliff that Heathcliff takes Wuthering Heights from Hindly. Along these lines, exactly when Hindly feels that he settled the score with Heathcliff for destroying his life Heathcliff renders his retribution and lets Hindly kicked the bucket a poor, hopeless elderly person. The plot in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights mirrors the idea of retribution. Mr. Earnshaw meets a poor kid on one of his excursions. Since Mr. Earnshaw is such a ?capital fellow?(9) he has compassion for the kid, Heathcliff, and welcomes him to live with the Earnshaw's. Mr. Earnshaw has an alterior intention in the kid. He needs his kids, Hindly and Catherine, to comprehend what it resembles to share their riches with somebody who is less lucky than themselves. Mr. Earnshaw figured that the kids would take in and develop from this experience. In all actuality the youngsters didn't. Hindly grows up hopeless and angry of Heathchiff. What's more, Catherine in the long run turned her nose up to Heathcliff just to find that she is somber without him. The tale takes a turn when Catherine needs to choose regardless of whether to wed Edgar. She realizes that she has ?no more business wedding Edgar Linton than I [Catherine] must be in paradise? (64). However Catherine weds Edgar in any case for p. 4 riches, however more significantly retribution. She needs to pay back Heathcliff for never making a big deal about himself. Be that as it may toward the end Catherine is the person who endures. Heathcliff wants Linton and Cathy to be marry. This arrangement is reduced by Edgar. Cathy begins to look all starry eyed at Linton and tells Edgar. At the point when Edgar discovers he says, ?No one from Wuthering Heights will come here? (224). Edgar does this for retribution. He doesn't need Heathcliff or anybody to be glad. Toward the end he is Edgar is the person who isn't glad despite the fact that he thought he got the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music as a Cultural Art of Consumption and its Benefactors free essay sample
Music as a Cultural Art of Consumption and its Benefactors This paper will grasp the view on how culture as an item typifies and creates plans In the society(market), analyzed, with famous music ; a piece of search, by having faith in Borides speculations, as endorsed in his exposition The types of capital so. As to dissect his basic Ideas and further conceptualize it.Introduction to Borides idea of capital and Its structures: To start with one should know , that for Broodier Capital is gathered workers it understand, financial capital which Includes Income, riches, work understanding and aptitudes, current business ; social that manages scholastic capability, social manners acquired and picked up during youth epitomized qualities and capacities and functional social skills and ;social that Includes associations through companion, associational enrollment and acquaintanceship offering access to systems of influence.One of the subjects, behind Pierre Borides voluminous paper Is the re integration of the monetary and social components of society and he contends that culture and economy are unpredictably related in a trap of double constitutions. We will compose a custom exposition test on Music as a Cultural Art of Consumption and its Benefactors or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I here in , center around the job of business sectors and monetary elements, including innovation, in affecting society. Social capital, he composes; Is convertible, on specific conditions, Into monetary capital (page and is gained additional time as it puts forth Self for ones propensities ;and to give important Information, social exercises, are Identified through proportions of investment, information and judgment 3 which included broad communications, expressions, music, sports and diversion, household recreation etc.ARGUMENT: As culture Increasingly turns into a product, an esteemed article like easygoing instrument, is deserving of propagation and introduction, brought into the world out as an impression of the connection among people and nature, however has been separated, to create distinctive affordable advantages from social capital, and that the real music content, or if nothing else the sort and nature of the music content, are a For Broodier social capital is as high soc ial information that at last redounds too the proprietors budgetary and social preferred position, thus leaving us with an inquiry that is there such an unbelievable marvel as a genuine culture that animates the general public and its inclination? A concise history of instruments and its validness: It took a long effort for music to go to its present-day form.In the starting music was absolutely utilized for ceremonial purposes and was confined to sanctuaries. In antiquated occasions, the instruments were must during the warms for instance in South India. Around then, the conches, drums, trumpets, vocals, wind instruments, symphonic music [now an instrument utilized in pop music] were totally used to make noisy music as to engage the officers, inspire and to cheer them to give their best on the combat zone. One sort of paintings, a kind of drum (VIRAL-MURALS) was developed and played during successful second in South India. Metal instruments were normally utilized as a methods for correspondence during fight, transferring orders for troop.The contention here is that the music or the instruments which were utilized and even imagined for war purposes just are they despite everything performing or introducing a similar national or ethnic societies or are there some other reasons, with certain monetary inspirations, measures and implications. Is it still credible? Popular Music: The monetary framework it holds in the market: For on the off cha nce that we take a case of the popular music, we see, a given culture may bolster various popular music collections, and that the melodic diversion for he masses turns into a totally extraordinary wonder, albeit still got from the market reasonable and the vagrant bazaar. It is likewise blended, composes Scarify, with the restored vogue for the theater and with the blasting industrialist demeanor. The New Harvard Dictionary of Music joins the accompanying meaning of famous music: Mass-dispersed music of late centuries.The eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years saw the turn of events, primarily in Europe and America, of a type unmistakable from both people and old style or craftsmanship music. It contrasted from the previous in being created and recorded and n building up a melodic style not unmistakable of a specific area or ethnic gathering. In spite of the fact that numerous early bits of well known music imparted general highlights to old style entertainer and audience. Popular music bunches are generally expand on comparable fundamental instruments. Since the beginning, the guitars like bass, acoustic, and electric has given a predominant sound in pop accounts. A drum beat is a fundamental piece of pop tunes played by the drummer on the drum unit or can likewise be delivered electronically by a PC. An artist is frequently the focal figure in popular music, a main power; singing, shouting, aping, or verbally expressed words as done by Justine Bibber, Madonna, Christina Agiler in the advanced period. The breeze driven saxophones [wind instruments] includes a steamy sound and show up in smooth, hot backtalk style tunes in the vein of entertainers, for example, Barry White and Isaac Hayes. The delicate violin [orchestral strings] has been known to loan its sound to pop melodies. Popular music isn't a DO-IT-YOURSELF music yet is expertly delivered and bundled. It turned into an item Just like numerous different things, ( from significant distance transportation to papers) were turning out to be products. A whole industry is destined to benefit from it and fuel its growth.My thought of picking popular music, for instance, for the conduction of the above contention, is because of its variable and adaptable trademark and in light of the fact that it is open to the most stretched out cr owd (since the mid sasss) and produces the nearness of at any rate one person who controls the music-recording innovation and markets it, in order to react to the preferences and perspectives of their mass crowd, for in the event that they need their music promoting to endure. This implies the music that sells the most duplicates draws the biggest reprise crowds and is played regularly on the radio, turning out to be for the most part the soundtrack of the urban white collar class, mirroring its social, political and financial desires. The individuals who see music as a business settle on decisions about what to introduce, what to record, what to publicize, and what will sell, since the objective is as huge a group of people as possible.The wide scope of styles like the Rock and Roll, Country, Disco, Punk, Jazz and Hip Hop are altogether explicit classifications of popular music, that have impacted as well as made an entirely different range of callings specifically the proprietor, the erector, the entertainer , the distributer, the show corridor proprietor, the advertiser, the promoters and so on, focusing on the adolescent market by stressing on recording, creation, and innovation, over live exhibitions holding a propensity to reflect existing patterns a s opposed to dynamic turn of events. Robert Pitman, one of the draftsmen of Matss promoting technique asserts that When youre managing a music culture - state, of individuals matured 12 to 30 - music fills in as something past amusement. Its a delegate of their qualities and their way of life . 9 In the domain of culture, showcase systems accomplish more than just give shoppers cap they need. Markets give the maker the best scope to teach their crowd. Craftsmanship comprises of a ceaseless exchange among maker and buyer; this discourse enables the two gatherings to choose what they need. The market motivation to finish up makers in a procedure of need refinement. Monetary crotchetinesss our capacity to create advanced and concentrated tastes. The choice procedure by the crowd depends on singular enthusiasm for different decisions from the promoted potential outcomes. Numerous web destinations like image, musically. Com use music as a methods for creation and locales which tells about the TOP 40 or state TOP 100 tune graphs of someone or other year gives us the general thought about the usual meaning it hangs on open ,and gives a specific suspicion about the monetary development it gives to its industry consistently. A site named Art of the Mix, is made with a longing to completely investigate the potential outcomes of blended tapes. The destinations members center around the creation and dispersion of blends. For, Simon Firth deciphers that, popular music is delivered , as an issue of big business not workmanship is intended to engage everybody and doesnt originate from a specific spot or separate a specific taste , though Broodier , the French communist shows that each class and class divisions displayed a moderately one of a kind example of tastes, one predictable with its specific blend of culture and financial capital, for inside classes, class parts are separated from each other by the creation of the capital controlled, as it were, by the proportion of monetary funding to social capital.A number of North American investigations have discovered that social tastes cut across class limits. Richard A. Peterson, an American humanist, examinations the examples of social choicely 1, and finds that high-status individuals in the United States don't shape an elite taste gathering. In any case, by recognizing omnivo res from omnivores, Peterson really comes back to a class-based methodology that as a result mirrors Bourgeoisies isolate among highbrows and lowbrows. To the degree that higher-class individuals are regularly acquainted with more social classifications than lower class individuals, culture is as yet identified with class. Advancing. Com portray in the locales FAQ document, their inspirations. Since the ascent of the advanced music time, Popular Music has been at the bleeding edge of music appropriation and permitting. In the previous quite a long while we have encouraged key organizations with different significant record names, striation channels, authorizing offices and the board organizations to support autonomous craftsmen
External and Internal Environments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5
Outer and Internal Environments - Essay Example The business portion inside the business is expanding as the encapsulation is focused towards astonishing visitor experience (Target Corporation, 2012). This report targets examining a traded on an open market organization inside the business recorded on the EDGAR database. This expounds the documenting of the organizations on the Securities and Exchange Commission. The objectives of Target Corporation are structuring a framework through which a various group can be shaped. The sole objective of the group is augmenting the visitor experience and holding the customers inside the business. Every one of these activities set a continuation which prompts accomplishment of the business. Solid activities and arrangement of the networks is the measure utilizing which the opposition inside the business is overseen. The moral activities executed make a solid notoriety for the business inside the business. The PESTLE investigation of Target Corporation decides the situation of the business inside the business. Comprehension of the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal parts of the business decides the advancement of the business. Working in the American retail industry Target is positioned the second biggest after Wal-Mart. The association continued advancing with the suitable usage of the considerable number of variables. The organization remains among the best 30 in the posting portrayed by the Fortune 500 (Target Corporation, 2012). The progressions and change of the guidelines inside the business sway on the portion of the retail locations. The examination of the bill managed in the social insurance portion and breaking down the adjustments in the guidelines inside the division decides the advancement of the business in the business fragment (Weber, 2014; KPMG, 2012). The tasks of the business in the universal business depend intensely on the expense of fuel and financial strength. Dealing with the expense inside the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Comparing and Contrasting Essay College Level
Comparing and Contrasting Essay College LevelComparing and contrasting is a process of judging and comparing things, places, events and people. Using this process to figure out the best way to present ideas to your audience or to formulate an argument is called writing.Comparing and contrasting is used by writers of all skill levels. It is just as easy to use a phrase or idea from one side of the spectrum as the other. It is just as effective for some people to include an example from the opposite side of the spectrum as it is for others.Each side of the spectrum has a set of points of the bottom line that make up what they believe is right and wrong. Many people use two, three or four different ideas to come up with a one-size-fits-all argument. They then go ahead and 'argue' against this whole idea using only one or two ideas from each side.Writers on all skill levels often find that this approach is more effective than simply using all the information available to them in one plac e. The comparison and contrast process allow you to focus your argument on a specific aspect of the topic at hand. In essence, you are presenting the bottom line and leaving out the rest.For writers in a certain subject or field, using this method of writing is absolutely necessary to compare and contrast essay college level. This is because there are far too many facts and theories to deal with and the list of them is always going to be endless. In this manner, the writer can easily state just a few ideas that make up their argument and then provide as much evidence to support those statements as they need to in order to make their point.Of course, these writers that aren't using any of these strategies can still use this process of writing to make a compelling argument and a convincing argument at that. When this is the case, they are going to end up with a completely unique perspective on the same topic. The difference between the topics will be very different but the writer will still have a full understanding of the many facts and theories involved in either topic.Another important thing to keep in mind when writing about any topic is to stick to one side or the other. Do not write about all sides of the topic. Not only is it unoriginal, it isn't very effective at all.In essence, when writing an essay about any topic, whether it is in a college level or not, it is important to use comparisons and contrasts to communicate your point of view or to present a better argument than your opponent. This is a powerful way to communicate and it can help to keep a person from becoming lost in all the facts and theories involved. As such, it is important for people that are struggling to find their way on how to write an essay to consider the different aspects of the argument as well as the process of using them.
Argumentative Essay Topics in Middle School
Argumentative Essay Topics in Middle SchoolArgumentative essay topics are usually based on the subject of your learning. Most middle school students usually have a certain topic or subjects they will cover in their essay.Writing for essays in middle school students is definitely not an easy task. Students do need to understand the basic skills for this. An important skill that is required in writing essays is composition.Argumentative essay topics require all the students to write a persuasive essay. The content of your essay should always be in accordance with the rules and regulations of your school. These rules can be based on the topic that the student will cover. They should also include some other rules or regulations that are related to the topic.After the topic has been decided, the students can then begin to build their essay. They need to develop and prepare their topic and outline by writing down the necessary information.The students must also make sure that their topic i s not a repeated idea as it will give the readers a boring experience. Students should be able to recognize this situation and avoid repeating the topic.When writing an essay, the topic must first be planned carefully. Students should carefully think about the topic before writing anything. They should also write down a list of ideas that they think might be needed for their topic.Most high school students will take a short essay as an exam. They have to write an essay that would help them pass the exam. In doing this, students should try to plan and organize the essay well.Argumentative essay topics in middle school students is an important part of their curriculum. They must be able to plan and organize the topic well to write an effective essay.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Implementation Decisions for Enterprise Systems - 550 Words
Implementation Decisions for Enterprise Systems (Term Paper Sample) Content: Implementation Decisions for ERPsName:Tutor:Course:Date:IntroductionTraditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems usually had the platform off-site, but the software applications were installed on end-users clients. However, recent developments in cloud technology have seen the distribution of ERP in the cloud where it is accessed by web browsers. Initially, cloud-based software platforms were considered quick fixes to technical glitches of companies software platforms, but they have gained a reputation among top performing companies as a sure method of increasing performance. (Thomas Chirania, 2005). Application service providers (ASPs) provide these cloud-based ERPs to their client companies. The use of cloud-based ERPs over traditional in-house and hosted ERPs elicits much debate. The debate is between the intricacies of in-house software management against the risks of the exposure of strategic information about a company when it outsources its software platform. The following are the advantages and limitations of cloud-based ERPs. BenefitsRapid deployment of the ERP is possible. In-house ERPs warrant a large upfront investment for a transition. The company will need many people, processes, and tools. This is because a new ERP system will need customization and configuration to match a companys legacy system, which forms the foundation of the companys specific practices and processes. Ongoing support will need expenditure on the peak for patches, upgrades, enhancements, turnover, and training. Cloud-based ERPs, on the other hand, offer a reversal in the procedure of integrating legacy systems to new platforms. There is reduced total cost of ownership. ERP costs are inclusive of the software, hosting charges, and support fees, but they are generally lower in terms of initial deployment when compared to in-house implementation. In fact, studies affirm that cloud-based ERPs have 50 to 60 percent less costs than traditional ERPs (Utzi g, et al., 2013). Moreover, the company will cut costs involved in instilling the required IT skills set to employees in addition to conditioning them to acclimatize to the new technology and atmosphere. The client company will also have an effective cushion against effects of rapidly changing technologies as these can be addressed by the deployment of more functionalities and modules. ERPs increase the performance of the client company in its core business. The outsourcing to an ASP transfers all the day-to-day operations and training regarding a softwares maintenance duration to the vendors. Therefore, outsourcing offers the client firm strategic advantages as it will concentrate on its core business since most resources and personnel in the firm do not engage in handling the complex and time-consuming ERP requirements. There is increased flexibility and scalability of a companys operation. Many ASPs offer customized applications on demand basis, which enables client companies to bypass and circumvent the cumbersome software delivery processes. Therefore, mid-sized companies that are fast evolving are sure that their IT needs are adequately met without needing huge capital overlays for changing their systems to match up industry competitive standards. DrawbacksThere is restricted functionality and availability. Most of the ASPs offer core ERP modules like general accounting, purchasing, inventories, and sales in standard modules so that serving many clients becomes cost effective. However, other modules or functionalities have not met the complex functionalities present in on-site or hosted ERP systems. Therefore, ASP provided ERPs might not satisfy customized needs of highly complex organizations that have unique softw...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Government Data Collection Current Landscape And Concerns
Government Data Collection: Current Landscape and Concerns Historically governments primarily had brick and mortar operations with data collection activities as part of specific operations like conducting surveys and taxation. However in the current era, just like with any private commercial entity, being digital and data driven is part of very function and operation of the government. Increasingly government activities and interactions with individuals are becoming digital which is in turn is leading to increased momentum of the collection, amount and availability of data. In fact this is also almost a basic expectation from clients who in the government’s case are the individuals. We as individuals are living in an unprecedented digitally open world also expect to interact with the government with the same convenience. The E-Government Act of 2002 has driven this movement towards â€Å"electronic governance†. The E-Government Act has enhanced the management and promotion of electronic Government services and processes b y establishing a Federal Chief Information Officer within the Office of Management and Budget and by establishing a broad framework of measures that require using Internet-based information technology to enhance citizen access to Government information and services. In addition to electronic governance the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have also increased momentum and scope of data collection. The legal and policy changes enacted in theShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Has Changed Our Lives1692 Words  | 7 Pagesmy Waze and Trip Advisor to get me around. Technology has become an important part of our lives and behind the scenes, meta-data helps track and control our daily experience online. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Dissertation Chapter about Training LDS Chaplains to do Effective Pastoral Care for Service Members who Have Been Affected by the Traumas of War
III. THE DATA AND THE TREATMENT OF THE DATA 1. The Data Needed This study intends meeting the intellectual, knowledge level, and abilities of the United States military chaplain corps in their diagnostic and treatment of those afflicted with combat related stress. The target population for the proposed study, thus, consists of two sample groups; (1) military chaplains, and; (2) members of the uniformed services who have served in hostile environments subjecting them to possible stress related (Unwin, Blatchley et al., 1999). 2. Data Collection            Understanding the intrinsic value of the empirical characteristics of qualitative research is core to its philosophical underpinnings fitting into the intention of this study. Through empirical methodologies, qualitative research permits interpretation of constructs of social reality and exploration of first-hand experiences of research participants forming the philosophical underpinnings of this research methodology (Booker, 2009, 389+). Within this framework are the influences on social science open-ended research questions as they align with the intent of the study for outcome data gathering. This paper further discusses these items and provides an example of how these philosophical underpinnings apply to a specific research design and methodology.            According to Booker (2009), â€Å"theoretical underpinnings†of qualitative research in researching and interpreting individual participation using empirical research methodology includes study tools of interviewing and observation. Her tenet as a teacher means assuring instruction of qualitative research has a philosophical framework of why and how qualitative research contributes to the study findings as equally as quantitative data (p 389+). In addition, according to Onwuegbuzie, Leech, Slate, Stark, Sharma, Frels, Harris, and Coombs (2012) philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research seeks data from such sources as â€Å"interviews, focus groups, surveys, observations, personal journals, diaries/memos, permanent records, transcription of meetings, photographs, audiovisual material, pictures, paintings, and field notes (p 16+)†. Booker (2009), as a teacher of qualitative research finds instilling the why and how importance of this type of data gathering tool is sometimes an uphill challenge even with her under and graduate students. To this end, Booker explains thinking in terms of â€Å"qualitatively†assists in overcoming what she interprets as a â€Å"resistance†. Her challenge to teach the philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research with its value to the social sciences and in particular educational research involves instruction of the changing nature of educational research using qualitative theories focusing on learner-centered instruction (p 389+). Remaining true to the spirit and intentions of this study relates to qualitative research philosophical underpinnings influencing social science research. At the same time, this type methodology specifically affects research questions, data collection approaches, and data analysis according to Booker (2009) in the social science field of psychology. From their own experiences, participants of qualitative research engage in proactive input guided by its philosophical underpinnings for obtaining socially pertinent first-hand information relating to the thesis. This provides how the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of qualitative research in the social sciences create pertinent questions for interviews, questionnaires, and other personal feedback of participants according to the type of data sought (p 389+). In her professional experience Booker (2009) educational research – incorporates â€Å"approaches of phenomenology, critical race theory, feminist theory, grounded theory, and the case study approach†. These hold to the intrinsic value of the empirical characteristics of qualitative research permitting interpretation of constructs of social reality and exploration of first-hand experiences of research participants alongside the hard numbers/statistics provided through quantitative research data (p 389+). Using the qualitative methodology of the phenomenology field shows the shift in education embracing the â€Å"philosophical focus on the individual†learner experience providing â€Å"in-depth description†. In this, Booker (2009) explains creating â€Å"significant and valid theories of learning and development†arise from this philosophical underpinning of qualitative research by incorporating use of â€Å"smaller scale observations and interviews†as a qualitative methodology. Booker incorporates the validity of qualitative research philosophy through learning from case studies (p 389+).            Walsh-Bowers (2002) conducted qualitative research using the methodology focusing on student and faculty participants as researchers in the field of psychology. Using interview feedback asking faculty participants describe â€Å"past and present research experience; how contextual features of the research relationship impinged upon their work; and their opinions concerning the potential for alternative methods, research relationships, and scientific-writing styles to gain legitimacy in the discipline (p 163+)†. His student participants’ open-ended qualitative interview questions included â€Å"how they learned to do research with humans and to write scientifically. In addition, he asked â€Å"what exposure they had to alternative methods (e.g., QR) and to complementary writing styles, and what they believed needed to change in psychology, if anything, to legitimize these alternative approaches to research conduct and report-writing (Walsh-Bowers, 2002, p 163+)†. Clearly, this example of qualitative philosophical underpinnings in a case study shows in Walsh-Bowers own definition is a process â€Å"characterized by inductive, flexible exploration of the phenomena of interest by which the investigator seeks to understand rather than predict and control these phenomena; careful attention to the quality of research relationships†. Within the framework of his focus, the feedback provided how â€Å"the inter-subjective nature of investigative processes; and cultivation of multiple and partial interpretations†affect the qualitative data gathering (Walsh-Brown, 2002, p 163+).       A phenomenological study is the most viable for this research with implementation in three stages, including a pretest, in-depth structured interviews, and a follow-up after analyzing the collected data conducting the pretest using an electronic questionnaire format of open-ended qualitative style questions. For security purposes, and to ensure confidentiality, participants will receive an individualized password to access the survey. Results of the survey will be sent directly to the researcher for analysis and thus not be posted anywhere on the site. Conducting the follow-up of the participants will take place via telephone interviews and email correspondence. The researcher will also gather secondary data and collate published studies from various peer-reviewed journals. Noy (2011) adds, the phone follow up is not easily ignored by the respondents in the qualitative methodology of data gathering even to the extent of emails potentially ignored. In the phone conversation, the interviewer has â€Å"the opportunity to make a pitch tailored to your potential respondent, as well as to develop a personal connection†. In addition, Noy explains how phone interviews provide time saving methodology over meeting participants in person. The most important stage of the research endeavor is ensuring the validity of the accumulated data (Foss Ellefsen, 2002). References Ano, G. G. and E. B. Vasconcelles (2005). Religious Coping And Psychological Adjustment To Stress: A Meta-Analysis. J Clin Psychol 61(4): 461-480. Astin, M. C., K. J. Lawrence, et al. (1993). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Battered Women: Risk And Resiliency Factors. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Education Is More Important Than Ever Essay - 1831 Words
In today’s world, education is more important than ever. With all the competition out there, a high school degree means basically nothing and a four year college degree is only average. Employers want employees with graduate degrees and so forth. Sadly, todays students are debating whether or not the cost of college is worth it because graduates are graduating into a world with no employment available. Government should pay half of every student’s college tuition with no strings attached so that graduates and the economy of America could have a brighter future without being saddled in debt. College is an experience that every kid should be able to experience whether they stay home or dorm. College gives you the chance to be independent, explore your interest, meet new people, join clubs, get involved, learn decision making skills, how to study properly, and most importantly learn how to mange time wisely. A college education teaches you advanced knowledge and skills tha t you cant learn in high school. In college you are able to explore a number of different fields, subjects, professions, and even ones you ve never heard of before. In college you are able to get a college degree, go onto higher degrees, and even become a professional in whatever field of study you desire. Most importantly, without a college education it is hard to get a good job. Most jobs as an adult require a colleges degree or higher. For future success and â€Å"higher lifetime earnings†(Higher EducationShow MoreRelatedEducation Is More Important Today World Than Ever Before1446 Words  | 6 PagesPart 1- Introduction and Description of Program Education is more important in today’s world than ever before. In September of 2010, a new program was implemented across Ontario to give students a stronger start in school and life. This program is called Full day kindergarten, it was designed to help support early learning as well as contribute to Ontario’s long-term economic competitive advantaged. ( George Vanier Catholic School has run this program since its implementation in 2010Read MoreEducation : A New Social Order For A Better Society And World Is More Important Than Ever Before Essay1421 Words  | 6 PagesSocial reconstructionism became a popular philosophy of education beginning in the 1920s and 1930s when George Counts was dissatisfied with the events occurring throughout the United States (Grant Gillette, 2006). In today’s society I believe that using education to create a better society and world is more important than ever before. Currently, there are many marginalized groups that face countless issues every day. These issues begin as young as elementary school which is why I will use myRead MoreA High School Diploma Is No Longer Enough To Ensure Success1481 Words  | 6 Pageshigh school education are, as time goes by, more and more likely to be automated or sent overseas. Even college degrees sometimes fail to secure their holders a solid career. Technology keeps advancing, and as it pushes forward, many workers look to education to stay relevant. Thomas Friedman, New York Times journalist and author of â€Å"The World Is Flat†, says ...its not only what you know but how you learn that will set you apart. Because what you know today will be out of date sooner than you thinkRead MoreBeauty Over Education, Or Education Over Beauty?1676 Words  | 7 Pages Beauty Over Education, or Education over beauty? It was the year, 2065, and people always focused on their looks, and not enough focused on education. It’s like all they care about is being beautiful, instead of trying to learn. They were too concerned about learning how to be prettier, and not at all concerned about education. I mean, as they get older, they re going toRead MoreChildren Should Be A Strict Dress Code Or Sexist? Essay1327 Words  | 6 Pagesbelief that males should be superior to females in every day life; especially in education. At many co-ed schools, females are at a disadvantage when it comes to learning. Whether it be a strict dress code or sexist teachers and administration, girls grow up believing that a boys education is more important than her own. For quite a while, there has been a bitter mentality that boys are somehow more important than girls. It started out with only boys being allowed to go to school while girls stayedRead MoreArt Classes Are More Important Than We Think. Sindie Hedge.1502 Words  | 7 Pages Art Classes Are More Important Than We Think Sindie Hedge Liberty University Abstract This paper is a critique of â€Å"Art for our Sake: School Arts Classes Matter More than Ever- But Not for the Reasons You Think,†by Ellen Winner and Lois Hetland. The main purpose of this paper is to inform people about the importance of art classes and how they can positively impact a young student’s life, it also examines why art classes are beneficial to the educational system. To have a betterRead MoreBeauty Over Education, Or Education Over Beauty?1676 Words  | 7 Pages Beauty Over Education, or Education over beauty? It was the year, 2065, and people always focused on their looks, and not enough focused on education. It’s like all they care about is being beautiful, instead of trying to learn. They were too concerned about learning how to be prettier, and not at all concerned about education. I mean, as they get older, they re going toRead MoreShould We Pay A House?1626 Words  | 7 PagesPeople always focused on their looks and not enough focused on education. It’s like all they care about is being beautiful instead of trying to learn. They were too concerned about learning how to be prettier, and not at all concerned about education. I mean, as they get older, they re going to have to know about things to get a job. They also need to know what to do in the future, for example, when they become an adult,Read MoreWhat Is My Educationa l Philosophy?890 Words  | 4 Pagesphilosophers in education this semester, I have come to agree and disagree with a lot of different ideas. If I had to only pick one philosopher and their ideas I wouldn’t be able to. I don’t really have any fresh or original ideas on education. I would have to say my philosophy is a mixture between all the different philosophers and things I have learned this semester in class and things that were self-taught. When trying to answer the question â€Å"What should be the guiding purpose of public education?†I figuredRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me839 Words  | 4 PagesWhy College Education is Important to Me Patty Murray said â€Å"A good education means learning to read, write and most importantly learn how to learn so that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up.†Getting a college education will help open so many doors and give me opportunities to better myself, and provide me with a more successful life that I can be proud of. In today’s society it is hard to get a good job or have a stable career without first getting a college degree. A college
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
There Have Been Numerous Historical Evidences Shown About
There have been numerous historical evidences shown about the Pre-colonial history of Black kingdoms in Africa. Many historians have concluded that the people that inhabit Pre-colonial Africa were anthropologically Black. However, there has been so much controversy and misconception about the ethnicity of ancient Egyptians by many historians. The controversy is due to many ethnocentric historians and anthropologists attributing the development of the Egyptian civilization to the Caucasian people. Dr. Herbert J. Foster, historian from Staten Island Community College, argues that significant amounts of people inhabiting Egypt were black; they were major contributors to the development of the Egyptian civilization. Dr. Herbert utilizes†¦show more content†¦There were many quotes throughout the article by anthropologists that echoed the sentiment that it was the Hamites who settled and helped develop Egypt. One notable anthropologist that Dr. Herbert wrote about was C. G. Seligm an. Seligman solidified the new Hamitic Hypothesis by praising the success and accomplishments that happened in Africa and Egypt to the â€Å"Caucasian†Hamites. Dr. Herbert then noted that Seligman’s theory, â€Å" still persists in the writings of numerous anthropologists and historians.†Dr. Herbert was able to use evidences from different fields such as anthropology and history to understand the controversy surrounding the Hamitic Hypothesis. Dr. Herbert uses scientific, archeological and historical evidences to argue that the ethnicity of Egyptians was black; and that they were major contributors to the Egyptian civilization. Historical evidence was used to support the argument that there were blacks contributing to the expansion of Egypt. Dr. Herbert quoted an author of African History, Basil Davidson, who argued, â€Å"that the ancient ancestors of present-day Africa were an â€Å"important and perhaps dominant element†among the people who fathered early Egyptian civilization.†Herbert used scientific studies to help support the claim that Davidson made. Dr. Herbert first talked about the study done in 1905 by Randall-McIver and Thompson who surveyed ancient Egyptian skulls. Randall-McIver and ThompsonShow MoreRelatedThe Novel Animal Farm 1362 Words  | 6 Pagesman/self/nature/society). Use details from the novel to support your response. From a broad perspective, numerous conflicts emerge throughout the course of the novel Animal Farm, whether it be Man vs. Man or Man vs. Society. In further elaboration upon this reality, Snowball and Napoleon, two noteworthy pigs, conspicuously disagree on numerous topics-of-interest. Evidence from the text that further bolsters this claim is shown when the author states, â€Å"Napoleon took no interest in Snowball’s committees. He said thatRead MorePersuasive Speech1632 Words  | 7 Pages I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convinceRead More Religion1637 Words  | 7 Pagesis to question and scrutinize our religious beliefs. This was shown when Charles Simony, a professor, had said, â€Å"This brilliantly argued, provocative book challenges all of us to examine our beliefs, no matter what beliefs we hold†(Dawkins, 2008). 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Every aspect of the criminal justice process has its reality in the dirt of the moment, and its clean counterpart that is written about, theorized uponRead MoreInformative Speech On Tattoos1286 Words  | 6 Pagesgeneralized categories. Tattoos have fallen in and out of popularity over the course of history, though they have never and most likely will never disappear. II. Specific Purpose and Need to Know: According to Written on the Body by Jane Caplan, Tattooing is one of many forms of irreversible forms of body alteration... and it is probably the oldest and most widespread [of these.] Due to the age of tattooing as a whole, there are countless things one can learn about its history. III. OrganizationalRead MoreIdaho Is Truly Like An Easter Egg Hunt1567 Words  | 7 Pageshunt. A person can wake up in the morning, look out the window, and they have already found the most beautiful egg possible: the sunrise. Only a few hours into the day and countless eggs can be found. These â€Å"Easter eggs†can range from being a special road, a beautiful mountain, a perfect hiking trail, or even a unique town. One of the most unrecognized â€Å"Easter eggs†is Wallace, Idaho. Once you find this hidden gem you will have a new appreciation for Idaho and the fascinating history of Wallace. Read MoreThe Portrayal Of Alfred The Great Of Shakespeare s Life Of King Alfred1666 Words  | 7 PagesWhen one approaches a movie or television show about historical events it is important to remember that the primary purpose of this media is to entertain. This does not mean however that there aren t kernels of truth which reflect aspects of what actually took place. For example in the television show The Last Kingdom, there are some liberties taken with the historical period. Some characters are complete works of fiction or events have been changed. Something that remains the same however is
The Immigration Law Of 140 Years - 925 Words
Throughout the years we have gone through various achievements; the election of the first â€Å"Black†President; the release of enslavement; the approval of â€Å"Gay†marriage and more, yet immigration still remains untouched. Now that is clearly an exaggerated statement, but The fact that the immigration law of 140 years ago is still not seen as a type of repression and the American current civilization is still in denial of it, is what makes it ever so severe. From the first immigration policy: the Page Act of 1875, to the Immigration reform and Control Act of 1986 the immigration policies have remained the same. Both acts, among others are not written for the safety of one country but for the racial discrimination of one specific group of immigrants, now especially to Latin Americans. Because of this discrimination is why it is so essential to understand how the immigrants have continued to exclude people and have not changed over time. The Page Act determined whether the immigration of any subject of China, Japan, or any Oriental country, to the United States, is free and voluntary. Further the importation into the United States of women for the purposes of prostitution was forbidden and deemed a conviction of no more than five years of prison time (Included in Chapter 141 Section 3 and 5 session 2). This act was incredibly specific in its exclusion, it deliberately targeted a particular group and limited their entrance for example by adding one characteristic (prostitution)Show MoreRelatedU.s. Department Of Homeland Security Essay778 Words  | 4 Pagesform I-140, employer petition. Unfortunately, eligibility for this immigration benefit under the proposal is highly restrictive and therefore will aid a far narrower group of foreign national workers than had been hoped. Background on I-140 EAD Rule The proposed rule includes a discussion that acknowledges the problems created by the lack of employment flexibility in the current immigration system. Accordingly, the I-140 EAD rule would apply to qualifying beneficiaries of approved I-140 petitionsRead MoreSample Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pagesresearch, real estate law, civil procedure, personal injury, immigration law, intellectual property, business law, wills, family law, trusts, probate and corporate law. Alief Hastings High School -- 2002 to 2006 High School Diploma †¢ Graduated among top quarter of a class of 800 †¢ Participated in extra-curricular activities including: Soccer, Track, Cross-Country, Baseball, JETS Club, Yearbook and Debate. Employment History Foster LLP August 2015 to Present Immigration Paralegal: Provide assistanceRead MoreBiography Of Donald J. Trump845 Words  | 4 Pagesfederal court order. Joseph Michael Arpaio was born in June 14, 1932, and is still a former law enforcer in the state of Arizona. He is known for his stances on illegal immigration and leading an investigation on the validity of Barack Obamas birth certificate. He has been accused of abusing power, misuse of funding, failure in researching on sexual crimes, unlawful enforcement on illegal immigration, election law violations, and racial profiling (especially targeting Hispanics). Not only has he committedRead MoreTexas 85th Legislative Session1630 Words  | 7 PagesTexas’ 85th Legislative Session Texas has a legislative session every two years. Currently the legislature is in session from January 10, 2017 to May 29 2017, a total of 140 days. During these 140 days the legislators have to work fast to try to get through all the bills. A bill is written and proposed by a Representative from the House of Representatives or from a Senator from the Senate. Once it is filed the bill goes to the Senate or House Committee, if it was filed in the senate than it wouldRead MoreImmigration in USA Essay1363 Words  | 6 Pagesplace for immigration. The history proved that the United States was the dream land, the place of chances. That started when Europeans escaped form their countries because there were no jobs and no safe places to live. America became the best choice for people who were looking for political asylum, jobs, or freedom, but after a few generations something changed the Americans look to immigrants as strangers and they forgot where they are from because America is mul ticultural place and immigration movementRead MoreCitizenship by Birthright Essay941 Words  | 4 Pagesadvocate is Senator Lindsey Graham, a representative from the state of South Carolina. In summation, Mr. Graham believes the United States made â€Å"a mistake†in granting said citizenship and that the birthright practice only serves to encourage illegal immigration (Preston, 2010). This senator is one of many who believe illegal immigrants are not under jurisdiction of the United States, as outlined in the fourteenth amendment. Furthermore, he shares a belief immigrants cross United States borders with theRead MoreImpact Of Immigration On The United States1017 Words  | 5 Pagespassed during that time that affected immigrants. America’s view at this time reflected that of strong Nativism. Several anti-immigration groups had their fair share of influence in political affairs that had a negative affect on certain groups. This paper will outline the events t hat led to three pieces of legislation. This paper will also highlight the impact on immigration and how the chosen pieces of legislation contributed to future legislation (if at all). The first piece of legislation highlightedRead MoreThe Constitution And The United States1483 Words  | 6 Pageshas been searched. There are fifty states in United States. Each state has constitutions, laws and government. There are some similarities and differences between the states. Although Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States, the question is Texas is the strongest state. There will be three areas that will be discussed, the constitution, the style of government and the immigration laws of both states. The first topic is the constitution, in order to understand the each stateRead MoreImmigration Reforms Domino Effect 1347 Words  | 6 Pagesaffect those situations immediately at hand, but also those for generations to come. This paper will be delving into immigration reform in Arizona, and more specifically the negative effects that the border surge has had on the socio-economic status of the Grand Canyon state. The motivation for choosing this to pic comes from the time spent personally living in Arizona for 12 years and seeing it as one of the most dynamic states having to solve problems for a multitude of issues that arouse withinRead MoreIllegal Immigrants in Lebanon Essays1564 Words  | 7 Pagesemployers prefer these low salaries, non-insurant workers on Lebanese ones. This situation of illegal immigration has led to negative impacts on Lebanon. First, it gives bad reputation to the country when it serves as a bridge to EU. Second, the immigration drives down wages and conditions to the detriment of Lebanese workers. Third, many illegal immigrants are involved in activities prohibited by Lebanese law such as arms, drugs traffic, car lifting and others. Finally, these clandestine do not pay income
Nutritious Diet for Fall in elderly people - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Nutritious Diet for Fall in elderly people. Answer: Project Aim This project aims to decline the fall rate in the aged people who stay in the Aged care homes by less than 30%, within 6 months by providing nutritious diet. Project Evidence Certain evidences that support that the problem is worth to solve includes, the Australian Health Care reports and, the report of Health and welfare of the elderly people i.e., provided by the WHO (World Health Organization). Australian Health and welfare reports has reported that, from 2011-2012 around 1, 26,000 elderly people were admitted to the hospitals. The reason is reported as injuries caused because of falling. For every 1, 00,000 count the rate of fall in women is 4,252 and in men it is estimated as 3,235 (Right at Home Australia, 2018). WHOs global health report on fall prevention in old people report stated that, in 2006 the people above 60 years of age were estimated as 688 million, throughout the world. It was estimated that the number could further reach up to 2 billion by 2050 (Sherrington and Tiedemann, 2015). Clinical Governance The Australian council defines Clinical Governance as a system that helps the government to manage the responsibilities of the mangers, staff and clinicians. It also ensures to check their accountability in terms of quality health care, decreased risks, continuous improvement and development in the patients (, 2018) (Western Australian Strategic Plan for Safety and Quality in Health Care 20132017, 2014). Pillars of Clinical Governance Clinical Governance contains the following pillars: Consumer Value In clinical governance, the initial pillar is termed as Consumer value (Clinical Governance, Safety and Quality Policy Framework, 2016). It is a pillar utilised to establish the policies and standards that help to improve the patients knowledge. It contains a policy named as, Complaint management and health service orientation policies. Thus, the aged peoples complaints are focused with orientation programmes for improving their health (A clinical governance guide for remote and isolated health services in Australia, 2013). Therefore, value of the aged people is considered in this pillar (Clinical Governance Framework, 2012) (Sherrington and Tiedemann, 2015). Clinical Performance and Evaluation In clinical governance, the secondary pillar is termed as clinical performance and evaluation, which evaluates the clinical measures. Such pillar is utilized to establish the procedures to audit, monitor and evaluate the related performance. This pillar might help the aged care homes, to get information about the doctor (A clinical governance guide for remote and isolated health services in Australia, 2013). Patient dashboard can also be provided to the aged care. This pillar helps in reducing the variations in the clinical practices which would help the health of the old aged to go with routine treatments and medicines. The adverse cases are reduced and simultaneously the cost also declines. Thus, this can help economic stability of the aged care homes (Phillips et al., 2010). Clinical Risk In clinical governance, clinical risk is an essential pillar, which contains the standard policies. For instance, Clinical Risk Management Policy and root cause analysis (A clinical governance guide for remote and isolated health services in Australia, 2013). Such type of risk management policy could be helpful for identifying the risk factors related to aged peoples health. The main cause for the fall in the old people is identified by the root cause analysis, which can be used to resolve the identified causes (Wu and Hsieh, 2013). This results in prevention of falls (Fenn and Egan, 2012). Professional Development and Management In clinical governance, the final pillar is termed as, Professional development and management. This pillar ensures to improve the health care services and is utilized for its professional development (A clinical governance guide for remote and isolated health services in Australia, 2013). This policy directs the rules of clinical practice for the staff and helps them to take care of the elderly people living in the aged care homes (Phillips et al., 2010). Clinical Governance for Old Age Care Homes Government of South Australia conducts SA Health Care programs like, Preventing Falls and Harm from falls for the aged people. They have taken certain policy measures to prevent falls in the elderly people. National quality and safety has 10 standards and among 10 standards, the two important standards are Preventing Falls and Harm from falls (, 2017). Organizations that provide health care services has certain governance structure and system for reducing falls, which minimizes the injuries that are caused due to falls (Church, Haas and Goodall, 2015). The Australian hospitals, communities and the residential aged care homes got best practice guideline in 2009, for reducing the fall in old people. They produced three different documents. One for hospitals, second one for the Residential Aged care homes and third one for the community care. This governance was established on January 1, 2009 (, 2017). This governance had reported to address various a spects like, interventions and precautionary measures for falls (Stevens et al., 2015). They provided many possible risk factors and interventions for the falls in the aged people (, 2015). Key Stakeholder of the Aged Care Stakeholder can either be an individual or a group of people who can either impact or get impacted by any activity. The aged care homes primary stakeholders are as follows: Beneficiaries They are the owners of the aged care home and they get income from it. Providers or helpers They are the people who provide health care facilities for the elderly people. Funders They are the people who provide funds for facilitating the old people. Old Age people Old Age people are those who are directly involved in the Aged care homes (Winter, Watt and Peel, 2012). CPI Tools Clinical Practice Improvement (CPI) improves the health care process and its results. It is a methodology that provides multidimensional outcomes which can be directly applied in patients clinical management process. CPI is a tool that, acts as an assistance to understand and implement the feedbacks for supporting the knowledge in the clinical environment. It mainly helps in the following processes: To identify and diagnose the issue. To implement interventions. For re-measuring the results, to know whether the interventions were effective enough or not. Thus, CPI is referred as a tool that deals to organize the health care related issues. The methodology of CPI is to explore the following (, 2018): What has to be achieved? How to know that change can lead to improvement i.e., what must be measured? What kind of changes must be made that results as improvement? CPIs fundamental principles are listed below (, 2018): It is possible to analyse the health care process. It is possible to measure the clinical process and its results. A desire to implement change. Reflective knowledge on human performance and essential care system related to health care process is required. In the health care process for effective improvements, multidisciplinary teamwork and designing novel solutions are very much important. According to various health care reports, the hospitals take actions and measures only after the fall. But, this project demands implementing precautionary measure before the occurrence of fall in the old people. Thus, a properly defined CPI tool is essential to implement the precautionary measures. Various CPI tools are available to improve patients safety and to improve the quality of health care services. The tools include like, Six Sigma, Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA), Lean, Root cause analysis and so on. Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Mechanism This project considers "Plan-Do-Study-Act" mechanism as a perfect CPI tool for the prevention of falls in the aged people. PDSA is a quality improving cycle. Its main objective is to establish relationship between the modifications done in the process, which gives positive impacts on the final outcomes of the process (Clinical Prevention And Population Health Curriculum Framework, 2015). Plan Plan States: To provide nutritious food and medications to the aged people present in the Aged care homes, for improving their health (NCOA, 2018) (Mucavele, 2013). Expected Results of the Plan: The nutrients in the diet along with the medication at the right time declines the rate of fall in the aged people, due to improved care and nutrition. Plans Execution Steps: Initially, the current fall rate in the elderly people will be estimated. A diet plan for all the aged people will be distributed in the aged care homes. The diet will be strictly followed along with the doctor prescribed medications. The providers or helpers will ensure that all the elderly people are provided their respective diet. These steps will be continued for the next six months. The fall rate will be evaluated again, to check the results of the implemented plan. Do What was observed? It was observed that the aged people required help or assistance in reminding to take their medications on time. They faced difficulty in walking and standing, without any support. Every time young people or helpers were not around to give them the required support to stand and walk. Some hated consuming more tablets and took excuses for having their tablets. Deficiency of vitamin D and calcium was observed in the old people. Study What was studied? It was studied that the aged people require additional supplement to strengthen their bones. The study projected that, the aged people need immediate support of supportive objects to walk and stand all by themselves. Further, it was observed from the study that, the aged people stayed at their bed most of the time and they rarely went out to get additional vitamin D. Additional calcium for strengthen their bones was missing. Were the measured goals achieved? The initial plan had certain flaws, which failed the plan. The encountered flaws are listed below: Lack of Vitamin D and calcium. Lack of supportive objects for independently moving around. Lack of knowledge about their medicines. Act Conclusion: As elderly people felt uneasy to rely on others support, provide essential support objects that help them to stand and walk by themselves. Thus, this will help them to be independent. Educate the aged people about the benefits of taking their medicines, on time. This will help them to have their tablets without any excuses. Moreover, they will realize the importance of their tablets and would be careful not to miss it at any cost. Thus, the elderly people can go out by themselves to intake sunlight, for additional vitamin D. Henceforth, the second cycle of PDSA will help to implement solutions to the flaws observed in the first plan. Thus, solution for the flaws is adding enough supportive objects, in the aged care homes, intake of sunlight for vitamin D and calcium supplements are recommended in the next plan, as an improved plan. Proposed Intervention This section describes and explains the proposed interventions or plan. Problem The rate of fall in the old people has increased in the Australian aged care homes, to a large extent. Aim This report aims to prevent fall in the aged people, by providing them nutritious diet. Thus, the plan just enforces correct intake of nutritious food. Problem Dimensions The identified reasons for the fall are listed below: Lack of nutritious diet. Lack of knowledge about the benefits and value of the medications in the patients. Lack of independent support for standing and walking. Lack of care and support in the aged care homes. Proposal Justification The plan just enforces on effective intake of nutritious food for the old people (more than 65 years old) living in the Aged care homes. The food rich in vitamin D are added in the diet such as, Salmon, mackerel, tuna and beefs liver. Soya milk, cheese and raw milk are the dairy products included in the diet that contains vitamin D and calcium. Orange is the fruit that is added in the diet to add Vitamin D intake in the old people. The food rich in vitamin D rich helps the old people to recover from fractured bones that is observed in patient of Osteoporosis. The fall in old people results in Osteoporosis. Limitations of the Proposal This proposal fails to concentrate on the other essential care that the old people require. For instance, independence through supportive objects and knowledge about their medication. Thus, the important thing that this proposal lacks is improving human balance. Lacks additional calcium intake in the diet, as the old people have weak bones and muscles that results in fall. Therefore, adding calcium intake in their diet is important. Though, the diet includes food is rich in vitamin D, it is not sufficient for the old people. Because, it is also important to get sunlight exposure for providing enough vitamin D. On the other hand, even the experts suggest the benefits of sunlight exposure on the old peoples body parts like face and upper limbs just for five to fifteen minutes. This is considered to save the old people from Osteoporosis. Thus, the proposal lacks vitamin D, got through sunlight. The proposal also require sponsors for providing funds to economically support the old aged people living in the aged care homes. Therefore, including solutions for these limitations can support this proposal to accomplish. Barriers for the Implementation The barriers for fall prevention program includes, time management and economic factors (Child et al., 2012). Time Management It is the primary factor that acts a as barrier for the elderly people, as the daily lifestyle of the elderly people keeps changing due to their ailments. The elderly people require help from other people to visit their doctors for routine check-up, to resolve their health problem. But, their close ones might be busy with other works. Therefore, this results in time management issue for their concerned ones, as they have to spend their time in waiting for the taxi and the waiting time to meet the doctor (Child et al., 2012). Economical Barrier Various studies prove that, the cost used for resolving any proposed solution is the biggest barrier of the project. More money is required to purchase the nutritious food resources, for the aged care homes. Thus, appropriate medications by consulting a doctor is also economically difficult. The elderly people often get health issues, and consulting a doctor often for all their issues might not be possible by all. Moreover, it is not possible for the old people to use public transport for visiting the doctor and hence a private taxi has to be used. This becomes the economic barrier (Child et al., 2012). Project Evaluation This section includes evaluating the measures and results of the proposed interventions. Evaluation Result Plans Strategic Fit The current fall rate in the old people is estimated and is compared after completing the plan, for a set period of time. Project Validity The results are evaluated after a duration of six months. Progress and effectiveness of the Plan This project considers CPI tool as its foundation and it implements using effective PDSA cycle, which helps it to identify the drawbacks of the plan and help in improving the plan in the next cycle. Resource Efficiency This project lacks management of resources like nutritious food. Effective Management This project also lacks effective management. Plans Sustainability The plan will be sustainable only it is financially supported, to facilitate the aged care homes with nutritious food, supportive objects to walk. But, this project plan doesnt provide details about methods that supporting funds. One of the method is promotions of aged care homes. References A clinical governance guide for remote and isolated health services in Australia. (2013).CRANAplus. [online] Available at: (2018).Clinical governance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. Child, S., Goodwin, V., Garside, R., Jones-Hughes, T., Boddy, K. and Stein, K. (2012). Factors influencing the implementation of fall-prevention programmes: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies.Implementation Science, 7(1). Church, J., Haas, M. and Goodall, S. (2015). Cost Effectiveness of Falls and Injury Prevention Strategies for Older Adults Living in Residential Aged Care Facilities.PharmacoEconomics, 33(12), pp.1301-1310. Clinical Governance Framework. (2012).HealthDirect Australia, (3). Clinical Governance, Safety and Quality Policy Framework. (2016).Department of Health, Western Australia. [online] Available at:,_Safety_and_Quality.pdf. ClinicalPrevention AndPopulationHealth CurriculumFramework. (2015).Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, [online] (3). Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. Fenn, P. and Egan, T. (2012). Risk management in the NHS: governance, finance and clinical risk.Clinical Medicine, 12(1), pp.25-28. Mucavele, P. (2013). Providing a balanced and nutritious diet.Early Years Educator, 14(10), pp.38-44. (2015).Preventing falls in the elderly. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. NCOA. (2018).6Steps for Preventing Falls in the Elderly | NCOA. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. Phillips, C., Pearce, C., Hall, S., Travaglia, J., de Lusignan,, S., Love, T. and Kljakovic, M. (2010). Can clinical governance deliver quality improvement in Australian general practice and primary care? A systematic review of the evidence.Medical Journal of Australia, 193(10). (2018). Clinical Practice Improvement (CPI). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2018]. Right at Home Australia. (2018).Fall Prevention In Aged Care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. (2017).Safety and quality reports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. Sherrington, C. and Tiedemann, A. (2015). Physiotherapy in the prevention of falls in older people.Journal of Physiotherapy, 61(2), pp.54-60. Stevens, J., Parker, E., Lee, R. and Yang, Z. (2015). Medications Associated with Falls Among a Cohort of Medicare Beneficiaries Aged 65 and Older.The Gerontologist, 55(Suppl_2), pp.220-220. Western Australian Strategic Plan for Safety and Quality in Health Care 20132017. (2014).Government of Western Australia, (1). Winter, H., Watt, K. and Peel, N. (2012). Falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older persons with cognitive impairment: a systematic review.International Psychogeriatrics, 25(02), pp.215-227. Wu, S. and Hsieh, R. (2013). Use of Root Cause Analysis to Prevent Falls and Promote Patient Safety in Clinical Rehabilitation.Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 03(02). Zachary, C., Casteel, C., Nocera, M. and Runyan, C. (2012). Barriers to senior centre implementation of falls prevention programmes.Injury Prevention, 18(4), pp.272-276.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Financial Risk Management for Theory & Practice- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theFinancial Risk Management for Theory Practice. Answer: The current and quick ratios are the liquidity ratios which reflect the position of companys liquidity. Having high ratios indicate that the organization is performing well and is able to meet its short term financial obligations easily and quickly. Considering the data provided for FV Ltd., the statement given by CFO is correct as it can be seen that there is a constant increase in the current ratio of the company and in 2017 it was 1.33 which was more than that of in 2016 and 2015. Also the ratio is more than the industry average of 1.25. Hence, it implies that the company has improved its liquidity position with high liquid assets. Also the quick ratio of the FV Ltd is almost equal to the industry average, which means the company is able to pay off its current liabilities with its quick assets (Tracy, 2012). The working capital management of FV is analysed through its inventory turnover ratio and the collection period of receivables. Company has a high and increasing ITR, which means it is very much efficient in managing its inventories. However, the collection period has increased over the year but is less than industry average. This means company has a better management of its working capital (Sagner, 2010). Beta is basically a measure of a systematic risk of a security or portfolio, in comparison to the whole market. It is the most important variable used in CAPM calculation. Companys beta is 2.1 which means it is more than 2 times as volatile as the overall market. In other words, it will give more returns than the market (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2013). A systematic risk is a market risk which consist of day to fay fluctuations in the stock price of the company. This risk cannot be reduced through diversification. On the other hand, unsystematic risk is the diversifiable risk which is associated with the company in which the investment is made. It can be minimized through diversification. The currency derivatives such as forward, futures, options and swap can be used for the purpose of hedging. One of the strategy is hedging through options. In this, one can buy a call option and sell the put option or vice-versa. This technique directly helps in protecting the portfolio, specifically the equity portfolio. Another strategy is Hedging through structures. Under this one portion of the portfolio is invested in debt and other in derivatives. Debt portion makes the portfolio stable whereas, derivatives prevents from downside risk (, n.d.). References Tracy, A., (2012).Ratio analysis fundamentals: how 17 financial ratios can allow you to analyse any business on the planet. RatioAnalysis. net. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., (2013).Financial management: Theory practice. 15th ed. USA: Cengage Learning. (n.d.).Hedging| Hedging Example, Hedging Types, Hedging strategies. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 March 2018]. Sagner, J., (2010).Essentials of working capital management (Vol. 55). New Jersey: John Wiley Sons.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Narrative Essay - What Is A Narrative Essay?
Narrative Essay - What Is A Narrative Essay?The narrative essay is a popular academic writing style that uses the structure of a single, linear story to tell the story of an individual's life. While this style has become more popular in recent years, the narrative essay will always be a fairly old type of essay. Even so, there are still many writers who do not use the structure of the narrative essay because they do not understand the structure and therefore do not know how to properly structure their story.This is particularly true for those who have not been writing essays for a long time and are therefore not familiar with the types of structure that are necessary for a successful essay. The following essay, which was previously only available in a biography sample, is an example of the different types of structure that is appropriate for the narrative essay.The major character begins the story, and as he or she narrates the events, he or she also gives background information abou t the major character. A 'backstory' is part of the narrative essay because it does not need to do anything more than support the main character and provide him or her with a reason for being where he or she is. In fact, a brief and informative backstory is preferable to a detailed one because the reader will have to make up his or her own mind about the major character.The major character is then introduced. He or she is introduced in one paragraph, but the introduction needs to be different from all other paragraphs in the essay. The introduction should give a summary of the plot of the essay and give enough information to make the reader want to read on. Once the major character is introduced, the essay then moves to the action.The next paragraph should give a description of the events in the first paragraph, followed by a description of the first part of the story arc. The second paragraph, also called the 'antithesis,' describes the second part of the story arc. In order to com pletely write the essay, it is important to not deviate from the usual structure of a narrative essay, which makes it necessary to give some kind of explanation of what happens.It is important to take breaks in between each of these paragraphs and to come back to read it again in order to properly catch all of the information. This will not only make the essay easier to read, but it will also make it easier to catch all of the information that is being presented. The narrative essay does not require any large break and should be an easy-to-read essay that the writer can maintain a steady pace for.The second paragraph should be the last paragraph of the entire essay, but it can begin in either order. If the main character gets a new reason for existing, then the new reason for existing should be given at the end of the essay. This is the final paragraph of the narrative essay, and it is always the last paragraph, regardless of whether it is the second or the last paragraph.This is a brief introduction to the narrative essay, but it provides the reader with an idea of how to structure a narrative essay. It is important for writers to become familiar with the structure of a narrative essay because it is essential to help them create compelling and coherent essays.
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